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Please write a REVIEW at the bottom of this page, THANKYOU! Marta Wiley releases 100 albums: 2006 releases- SoulAssasins, Killwithalook, SpoonBender, Stricken, Widdlemedown, RaisingHolyHell, Sistersatan, Treasure, Joylessboy, Kidnapyourself, Prythemelon. 2005 releases- Corporate RockStar, WireHangerBaby, HeavensComingDown, LostDaughter, Hybrid, EnviromentalTerrorist, MyBeloved, Replaced, WitchHunt, FuckFame, Swan&TheStarryVault, AtomicLove, ScreamingFairy's, ToxicAngel, BrokenButterfulyDreams, MotherofMercy, 2004 releases- Unknown host, Red honey, Flesh Flower, Dragon Queen, Omega Theorem and the fair Maiden Voyage, God is a girl, La La Land, Mechanical heart, Spacepagan and Radioactive, HathorsSister, 1997-2000 realeases-w.o.m.b.warriorsofmakebelieve,w.o.m.b.kinetic music for the people. If the album is sold out please go to any of these digital sites to purchase Marta Wiley's music; Apple iTunes ,LoudEye ,MusicNet ,EMEPE3 - ,Etherstream Music4Cents ,Viztas, Mperia ,Emusic ,MP3tunes MusicMatch ,OnlinePromo ,RuleRadio ,DigiPie Napster ,MusicNow ,BuyMusic ,Bitmunk ,Ruckus DigitalKiosk ,AudioLunchbox ,Liquid Digital Media NextRadio ,Tradebit ,PayPlay ,Rhapsody NetMusic, Mouzika ,WrapFactory,Puretracks ,Interia GroupieTunes ,MP3-Extension ,MusicIsHere MOD Systems ,Destra ,Choice Records ,Inprodicon Unknown Host: (Written and produced by Sisters Marta Wiley and Cristian Wiley. UNKNOWN HOST LYRICS FBI I once knew a man who choked on his own saliva, don´t think I did not care, oh I did I did uhh. But what can you do with a man like that oh he´d never listen I tried so hard to bring him back but he´s gone, gone, gone, poor politician. A Danial was a my best friend was abducted by the aliens. A don´t a think I am a liar just cause he does´nt remember. So what can you do when the government knows everything about you. They call it paranoia, I think it´s coca cola cause they feed me pesticides. I am an alien, I am an alien, I am an alien! I am the FBIOUR here for meat is bad for you. Yes I bleed every 29 days bla bla bloody me so what, are you so afraidiation in my head space light weight, shiny little teeth and a big brown eyes. I am a monster I am very very brave and I´ll eat your mask if you let me. Computer chip at the base of the neck. Computer chip at the base of the neck. GIJokes on you my friends are the medical military anyway. UFO-oh common enemy, just like the devil in Christianity. Oooh the youth is a clumsy god. Taught to love what they do not have, you´d think the t.v´s were all having babies..La, la, la, la.... GUNS AND DA BOMBS Turn on the t.v. what do I see, a man with the guns and da bombs, blows me away your stupidity. It´s just a game, it´s just a vedio game, just blowing you away, blowing off your limbs and your head. Blowing you up till your dead. Guns and da bombs, blows me away, your stupidity. It´s everywhere you go. Sex and Violence yo, and then you wonder why, planes are falling from the sky... Guns and da bombs, Blows me away, your stupidity. UNKNOWN HOST Empty heart on the plate, eat it up, and I´m so alone, feel me up. If I go outside, they will beat me up! The t.v. it keeps on blowing us up, the t.v. just keeps blowing us up...I don´t know criminal subliminal, Unknown Host, Unknown. They keep blowing us up on t.v. It´s not real just imaginary, Billy shoots little Johnny look at mommy raising serial killer babies...T.v. keeps blowing us up the t.v. just keeps blowing us up...I don´t know criminal subliminal, Unknown, Unknown host, Unknown... Maybe one day I´ll work for the government, I´m so programmed so dissident, trying to make me schitzophrenic,turn me into Manchurian candidate. Unknown Host, Unknown...Destination Unknown. WARRIORS OF MAKE BELIEVE I was born to win, the second coming is coming from within. I am not a Christian, I am not a Jew, I am not a Muslim, I am not you. Saw a dollar on the pyramid, and the all seeing eye of our government, I am not a illuminati, I am not a Mason, I am not a Rockefeller, I am...Come and get me if you can...So the circle k is the kkk. And the pentagram is a pentagon. I am not a warlock, I am not a saint, I am not a Martyr, I just want to sing...come and get me if you can...and there are stars up in the sky look closer they are not stars, they only look like stars but they they are really surveillance companies called "just stars" I caught you, little stars, watching, watching us little star what I wonder what you are... YELLOW The old man crept through the cubbard with old Mrs. Hubbard for good. Bette Crocker and Dustin Hoffman went chasing the alligator bag. This is a song about how we can´t deal, how I can´t feel, is anything real and how I can´t cope and how I hope, and how I fear. I was walking down the super market alone, when I gathered into my arms all the lucky charms and I fell through the crack of the floor. Nabisco and Crisco at war, the billsbury doe boys a whore. Snap, crackle, pop thief of my heart! All of the children came flying that night, to free me from the cold florescent light and the sight of the killer, kill her, kill him it´s tragic. Paper or plastic. I was driving out of the handicap and there´s no excuse but I like it like that, driving passed the Texaco line a shell sign sun into the YELLOW....red red rum. PHYCOKILLER What Have I said, What have I done under my bed a gun. PhycoKiller..Someone came into my house and tried to kill me! so I just grabbed the gun and shot him in the head! Phycokiller... I felt sorry for him, I knew it was his hour, our eyes met and he said forgive me I´M A COWARD! Phycokiller...I´m not afraid of anyone because My love it is a weapon. Phycokiller... killer, killer, killer Someone tried to come into my house so I grabed the gun and shot him in the head, then I cut off his dick and shoved it in his mouth, that´s what you get phycokiller, don´t come around me phycokiller...I've got a GUN! Phycokiller... SHARKS AND MINNOWS - Lead Vocal Cristiana Wiley Swimming in the Ocean and I´m not joking...mmm swimming in the ocean, mmm and I´m not joking. Hydraulic power, super sonic view, gona get me a fish and it´s going to be you. mmmsharks are out tonight,mmm hold your minnows tight...sharks are out tonight..mmm hold your minnows tight. rod...fraud...mmmgonna get me a man...mmmafter this tan... Sharks are out tonight...Hold your minnows tight. REVELATIONS 9/11-Nena Wiley Mother of Cristiana and Marta on the morning of sept.11. Hello my friends Hello, Hello. Just called to let you know, the world trade center fell today. I know, religious fanatics, it´s hell...hello. Good-bye my friends Good-bye, two silver planes in the sky. We swore it would never come to war, and I´m humbled, but were grateful, it wasn´t nuclear. Hello...Hello... and you don´t have the keys dad, America...Hello my friends Hello, Just called to let you know, the new world order has begun. To protect our rights what would we give them. Hello....