Cabezas is Patricio Cabezas and Daniel Gidlund. Two singers, guitarists and songwriters. Their music holds an unusual mixture of upnorth melancholy and latin temper. They often manage to mix hapiness, melancholy and groove, all depending on how they feel an what they want to share. Even in the most acoustic songs there is an urge and an energy as in the same way as ”Jeff buckley” and ”Manu Chao”s music. In Cabezas music there is a lot of exciting and sometimes unexpected influences. What Cabezas music is all about, when it all comes down, is organic popmusic. The music is not hard-listening in any way but elements of latin, jazz and bossanova gives the a frech and different approach. They use their intuition and compose arrangement that suits the song without refering to other artists. Even a sad song can end up giving you an uplifting and an life-insighting feeling. A good example of that is the song ”Te quiero” which is written in minor but is more of a positive and flirty song. In the spring of 2002 Patricio and Daniel realized that they actually were a duo. They took the bandname ”Cabezas” and started to do liveshows and in the same time they signed up with Sony/ATV Music Publishing. -”Patricios strength as a songwriter is his sense for simplicity and groove. He is full of ideas and has a positive energy that can be felt. He is open minded and there is nothing strange about what he writes or do. Daniels strength is, accordind to Patricio, his musicality and very wide knolledge. He enriches simple songs without taking their fundamental character and simpleness away. The band has ofcourse many aims but most obvious is to reach out to people by playing live. The response at the shows gives them contantly energy. An almost childish hapiness can appear when they play live but it´s well balansed with experience and professionalism. In times when co-operation with commercial radio and tv may seem as a must to ”break” a new artist, is Cabezas gaining and getting new fans were it really counts: Infront of the audience.