Love In My Pocket

Love In My Pocket

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2020-07-10
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice/88rising
  • 类型:Single


才华横溢的印尼说唱歌手Rich Brian在继“BALI“发行之后,推出了今年的又一首全新单曲“Love in My Pocket”,这支轻快的夏日曲目,依然由Rich Brian的老搭档Bekon & The Donuts担纲制作。“Love in My Pocket”是一首关于找寻注视的目光,克服旧有的恐惧,同时感知身边的爱的单曲——所有我们应当经历却不知如何使之停驻的感情。 在印尼长大的Brian,自小在家接受自主教育,而后他通过网络学习英语,借由网络打开了走向世界的大门。在他17岁独自到美国生活之后,过往的经历使他面对广阔的新世界心生敬畏的同时又能始终保持谦虚的态度,独特的成长环境既给他造成重重障碍使他感到挫败,也成为他重新站立的推动力。在美国不断成长的Brian,一步步完成了自己所期待的成就——从与自己喜欢的 21 Savage、Offset和Playboi Carti的合作,到在全世界举办座无虚席的演唱会与音乐节演出。Brian的首张专辑《Amen》,于2018年二月发布之后,获得了世界范围的好评,并登上了iTunes Hip-Hop榜单的榜首——这对于亚裔音乐人来说是历史性的第一次。Brian在北美、欧洲和亚洲各地巡演的门票都销售一空,在包括 Bonnaroo 和 Rolling Loud 等音乐节上的表现也获得火热的反响。 “Love in My Pocket”是继2019年发行第二张完整专辑《The Sailor》之后的一次回归。《The Sailor》这张专辑在评论界广受赞誉,Hypebeast发表评论称“Rich Brian完美地诠释了自己快速成长的声量和亚裔的身份”。《The Sailor》汇集了知名制作人如Bekon & Donuts、1Mind、Frank Dukes和Rich Brian个人原创的众多作品,这张专辑记录了Brian 在公众视野中不断成长的过程,他从一个崛起于互联网之上的说唱歌手逐渐成为了一位属于全球亚裔青年人的印尼偶像和英雄。这张专辑以“100 Degrees”, “Yellow”, 和 “Kids” 作为特色主打,目前在全球范围已获得了超过4亿的流媒体播放量。 Multifaceted Indonesian rapper Rich Brian follows the release of “BALI” with his latest single “Love In My Pocket,” an upbeat, summer record written & produced alongside frequent collaborators Bekon & The Donuts. “Love In My Pocket” is about living in an environment of attention being sought, and old fears being conquered, with love happening around you -- love that you feel you deserve to experience but don’t know how to get. Growing up homeschooled in Indonesia, Brian found the Internet to be his English teacher and window to the world beyond. After moving to America alone at the age of 17, Brian has been both awed and humbled by his experiences, as they simultaneously smack him down to Earth and lift him up. After making the leap to America, Brian has experienced all the glory of “making it” - from collaborating with the likes of 21 Savage, Offset, and Playboi Carti, to selling out shows and playing festivals around the world. Brian’s debut project Amen, released in February 2018, garnered widespread critical acclaim and topped the iTunes Hip-Hop charts - a first in history for an Asian musician. Brian has since gone on to sell out shows across North America, Europe and Asia, and festivals around the world including Bonnaroo and Rolling Loud. “Love In My Pocket” follows 2019’s ‘The Sailor’, Brian’s second full length album. The album received critical acclaim, with Hypebeast proclaiming, “Rich Brian flawlessly tackles his sonic growth and Asian identity.” Featuring production from Bekon & The Donuts, 1Mind, Frank Dukes and Rich Brian himself, ‘The Sailor’ documents Brian’s coming-of-age in the public eye, which has taken him from an Internet-born rapper to an Indonesian icon and hero for Asian youth around the world. The album features singles “100 Degrees”, “Yellow”, and “Kids”, and has been streamed over 400M times globally.

