

  • 流派:Electronic 电子
  • 语种:英语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2021-03-24
  • 类型:录音室专辑


電音概念合輯-´Αρχιμήδης ´Αρχιμήδης(阿基米德)是由GiGaDrill Ent.所企劃,招攬新銳電子音樂人,囊括了主流電音元素集合而成的舞曲概念合輯。也是GiGaDrill這個新生廠牌的第一步。 以知名數學和物理學家出身的阿基米德為名的合輯,除了象徵電子舞曲隨著時代演進在音樂類型中多端的組合性,更能代表廠牌對這張合輯的企圖心-將以音樂為槓桿和支點,支撐優秀的音樂人被看見。 ´Αρχιμήδης(Archimedes) is an electronic dance music concept collection planned by GiGaDrill Entertainment, recruiting cutting-edge electronic musicians and incorporating mainstream electronic elements. It is also the first step for the new label of GiGaDrill Entertainment. The compilation under the name of Archimedes, a well-known mathematician and physicist, not only symbolizes the multi-end combination of electronic dance music in the music genre with the evolution of the times, but also represents the label's ambition for this compilation-it will be Music is a lever and a fulcrum, supporting outstanding musicians to be seen.
