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The sequel to her remarkable debut 'Bones', this collection of 10 original songs recorded with her band The Chanting House is a stunning display of Susan's maturing ability as a songwriter and her remarkable musical talent. Special guests: Natalie Merchant, Johnny Cunningham, Gerry Leonard & Russ Johnson, as well as Susan's bandmates Jon Spurney, Lindsey Horner, Jeff Allen, Michelle Kinney, Catherine Bent, Joe Trump & Allison Miller. "For those sickened or wrongfully spoiled on common, industry blends of Irish folk/rock, McKeown is absolutely blowing away any misconceived notion or preconceptions of what this genre has come to define. Her brand of folk/rock music is progressive, including instrumentation and language of traditional Irish music, but it is wonderfully experimental in arrangements that feature trumpets, electric guitar and sparse electronic sampling - and further blending genres like jazz and blues. While The Chanting House provides a fantastically eclectic chamber rock background to frame her songs within, McKeown's soulful and evocative vocals drive and navigate the music - fiercely passionate words whispered, crooned and screamed to evoke the Irish spirits.... McKeown's voice and lyrics are captivating and truly spellbinding with rich, descriptive imagery from a powerful, feminine perspective." The Tacoma Reporter