Gifts of Blessings (English & Mandarin)

  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2014-03-01
  • 唱片公司:Sound Universe Pte Ltd
  • 类型:录音室专辑


‘Gifts of Blessings’ is a guided meditation album designed to assist the listeners to allow their mind-body-heart to well-being. Every word is carefully spoken and recorded in the space of alignment with Source energy. Each track seeks to uplift the consciousness to greater heights, elevating the perspective of listener to gain clarity and insights into personal life. We encourage you to listen from an environment that permits relaxation and attentiveness; At times according to personal intuition repeat selected tracks so as to set the rhythm of the new vibrations in constant motion.Your meditation are expected to be deepened and enhanced with each passing day. Your relationship with yourself will be improved and strengthened enabling firmer groundedness and connection to the Universal Web of Positive Energy! Meditation allows my mind and heart to come together into a cohesive space of co-creation. It has brought me realizations, insights and inspirations throughout the years. I have gained so much through contemplation and practicing the art of allowing. Each meditation track here is an essence of my own transformation, journey and insights. It is of great joy that I am able to share them with you. “祝福的禮物”是引導式靜心專輯,本專輯特別設計來支持聽者,讓大家能夠達到身心靈的幸福安康。專輯中的每一個字都是在與本源能量校準調和之下細心地說出和錄製的。期望每段靜心都能幫助大家將意識提升至新的高度,使聽者能獲致嶄新的視野,更加清晰地看待人生並產生洞見。 我們建議您在可以放鬆與專注的環境中傾聽這張專輯。有時可以根據個人的直覺重複聽取某段特定的靜心,如此持續地聆聽可以建立起新的振動韻律。您的靜心品質應該會隨著每日地聆聽而更加的深入和良好。同時您與自己的關係也會不斷地進步和強化,如此讓您更加地著地並同時與宇宙正向能量網絡連結起來。 靜心讓我的心智與心同時進入一個可以共同創造的空間。過去這幾年來,它帶給我許多的明瞭、洞見與啟發。在這沈思與練習順流的過程中,獲致了許多意想不到的禮物。專輯中的每一段靜心,都匯聚了過去幾年我個人的轉化、旅程和洞見的精華。能有這個機會與大家分享,我感到無上的喜悅。
