The Hope Suite (致《流浪地球》,献给这一群倔强的电影人)

  • 语种:其他
  • 发行时间:2019-02-09
  • 类型:Single




致《流浪地球》,献给这一群倔强的电影人。 To The Wandering Earth; To these président filmmakers. “祝《流浪地球》好运,祝中国电影好运。” - 白羊先生 希望 组曲 (The Hope Suite, Original Score and Theme arranged from "流浪地球") The theme of the Wandering Earth is very beautiful, people have to admit the significant role of Hans Zimmer in the history of music. I, as a film scoring student at Berklee College of Music, studied the works by all the great masters, and do find that composers take inspirations from all the great pieces in history. Thank you, Roc Chen, to bring us the wonderful world of the Wandering Earth. Original Theme Composed by Roc Chen Additional Music in the Hope Suite Composed by Reagan Li(LM) Arranged/Orchestrated by Reagan Li(LM) Produced by Reagan Li(LM) 电影结束的时候,影厅内响起了掌声。 2019年2月5日,波士顿。
