
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2019-05-23
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:Single




我一直觉得,星号69像一艘宇宙飞船,我们4位船员紧紧相拥,一起经历宇宙中各种奇幻的冒险,一起收获可以互相温暖一世的航行故事。 这艘有爱的飞船,在2018年迎来了新船员:太空儿! 像每个宇航员经历的重重考验一样,还未出世的太空儿就陪我经过了数次辛苦的排练、各路通告、120分钟高强度专场演出……出色的成为星号69飞船正式的船员!当然,他也成为星号69当之无愧的“最萌第五人”! 身为妈妈的我,只想说:当你出现在我世界的瞬间,你任性哭喊后露出的那张天使般的脸,已经完全填满了我的世界。我确信,我愿意,用音乐引领你天马行空。 2018年夏末24小时内一气呵成的作品《太空儿》,是我送给宝宝的礼物,而宝宝,是自由世界送给我的礼物!在这首歌里,我将这种奇妙和喜悦,和所有听到这首歌的朋友分享:)        ———星号69主唱:韩艾 I have always felt that the STARRR69 is like a spaceship, and our four crew members are closely embracing each other, experiencing all kinds of fantasy adventures in the universe, and harvesting the sailing stories that can warm each other. This loved spaceship ushered in a new crew in 2018: Space! Like every astronaut's experience, the unborn space squad accompanied me through several hard rehearsals, various announcements, and 120-minute high-intensity performances... Excellent to become the official crew of the STARRR69 spacecraft. ! Of course, he also became the "most cute fifth person" of the STARRR69! As a mother, I just want to say: When you appear in my world, the angelic face that you reveal when you cry, has completely filled my world. I am sure that I am willing to lead you through music. In the end of the summer of 2018, the one-stop work "Space" is a gift I gave to my baby, and the baby is a gift from the free world! In this song, I share this wonderful and joy with all the friends who heard this song :)        ———STARRR69 lead singer: Han Ai
