
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2020-03-30
  • 唱片公司:霧虹 Fogbow
  • 类型:录音室专辑


雾虹第二张录音室专辑:漫游 Roam 释出。 自从2017年释出首张专辑:苦涩的痛击后,雾虹更深入的探索于内心深处的爱与欲望。 这张专辑充满了我们对于音乐的热情和诚挚的感情。 更多的电子合成器和声响充满了这张漫游专辑。 在漫游的过程中,一点点的冷静和保持探险的精神也是最重要的事物。 让我们一起享受它吧。 Roam is the second album of Fogbow band. Since 2017 we released our first album: Bitter Setback, we were looking further to explore our passion and the deepest desire in our heart and love. We release our second album: Roam with our true love and our enthusiastic in music. There are more electric sounds and synthesizer's love in the album. A little bit calm and exploration are the most important thing in this album, enjoy it.
