Fairy Tale

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2020-09-21
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:Single




王喬尹Joyin 2020全新單曲《Fairy Tale》 繼《為什麼長得好看還會失戀》後,暴力小清新Joyin繼續帶來暗黑能量英文歌曲《Fairy Tale》 曾經以為只要做個善良的好人,就能像童話故事的主角一樣擁有順遂而獨特的際遇,長大才知道我們的犧牲不一定有成果、善良不一定會被看見。我們終究是活在社會而不是劇本裡,這是人生不是童話。這首歌雖是描寫小時候自己對於人生幻想出的那些粉紅泡泡,都被現實一個一個戳破的諷刺感,但還是期許內心深處依然持有一份赤子之心。 《Fairy Tale》是Joyin首支英文單曲,製作的過程有幸與國際很棒的藝術家們一同合作,編曲為曾經榮獲美國全球獨立音樂、金音獎大獎的阿根廷keyboard演奏家Musa、常駐歐美的靈魂女聲Vicky Sun擔任配唱製作人、榮獲美國全球獨立音樂獎項的混音/後期母帶處理的美國團隊-Tropic Culture Studio,以及擅長與不同風格藝術家合作的新奇鹿錄音室。 在《Fairy Tale》的編曲當中,利用變奏來描繪童話故事公主與王子幸福快樂的氛圍,值得一提的是Joyin把公主和王子的名字都寫成女生的名字,也間接顯示了贊同多元性別戀愛的價值觀。 I used to think that as long as you are a kind and good person, you deserve a smooth and unique experience like the protagonist of a fairy tale. When I grow up, i start to know that our sacrifices may not ahead to a fruitful result, and kindness may not be seen. After all, we live in a society rather than in scripts. This is life, not a fairy tale. Although this song describes the irony of the pink bubbles that I imagined about life when I was a child, I still hope that deep in my mind, I am a kid at heart. "Fairy Tale" is Joyin's first English single. The production process is honored to collaborated with outstanding international artists. The music arranger is Musa, an Argentinian musician who is Global Music Award in America and the GIMA in Taiwan winning keyboard player and producer. And Vicky Sun, known as a stylish singer residents in Europe, United States, and Taiwan. Vicky acts as the Vocal producer. The American team, Tropic Culture Studio, who's the winner of American global music award, does mixing and mastering part for "Fairy Tale". And Saturday Studio for vocal recording, which is good at cooperating with artists of different styles. In the arrangement of "Fairy Tale", we can see the romantic atmosphere of the fairy tale princess and the prince. It is worth mentioning that Joyin wrote the names of the princess and the prince both as girl’s name, which indirectly shows the evaluation of multi-gender love.
