Seduction (诱惑)

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-03-14
  • 唱片公司:Anna Reynolds
  • 类型:Single




The Seduction - What does it mean to be seduced? You are pulled in, against your will, but you go willingly. It's like an itch that you scratch, and it feels too good to stop. It's like the warmth of a pool that you want to drown yourself in. It's like a tickle, light, on the surface of your skin, and the longing for more and the fear it will stop. It's a place where you're on the edge, of a ledge, and you want to jump off. It's a gentle breeze that comes, you don't know where it's from, and you want to succumb. It's bad that's so good, you just can't resist. It's urgent, it's foolish, it's unbridled, it's freedom. It's an addiction, a contradiction, and infection, a rush and a hush, it's languid and lush…it's an obsession, a crush. It's a lion (tiger, panther, cat) prowling in the night that won't let you sleep for fear that it will pass you by. It's a storm that howls in your ear that no one can hear. It's a flame that warms you, and then consumes you. It's being lost, and not wanting to find your way out. It's fear and it's exhilaration. It's madness and it's cold calculation, it's logical infatuation. It's lightning, it's thunder, it's humbling and wonder. This song is composed with elements of Latin influence, and a continuous, pulsating, seductive rhythm, until the driving rhythm reaches a crescendo with a string arrangement in orchestral style that stops abruptly, emphasizing the free-floating emptiness felt when your emotion is completely spent and a void of nothingness fills you - the final irony of seduction.
