
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2011-05-09
  • 唱片公司:Domino Recording Co
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Wild Beasts 是一支来自英国利兹的4人乐队,主唱Hayden Thorpe融合大量独特假音的唱腔,以及乐团怪奇的曲风,立刻获得耳尖乐迷的赞赏。他们的单曲〈Brave Bulging Bouyant Clairvoyants〉,随即在英国的独立唱片单曲榜上,迅速拿下Top17的好成绩!2007年初,眼光独到的Domino Record信心满满签下Wild Beasts,而就在同年五月,专业指针音乐杂志MNE,更将他们列为十大最具潜力明日之星乐团之一,让尚未发行专辑的Wild Beasts早已备受瞩目。 Wild Beasts have surely made an impact on many of us with the sophomore release Two Dancers. Anyone that will buy this is because of that album. Smother has a different approach to their artistic guitar melodies and iconic bongo drum work, here there’s a lazy appeal to Smother. It seems that whimsical sound on Two Dancers has been foreshadowed and there’s a new leap in development. There’s an electric presence that never really evolves instead holding on to that minimalist charm. In Invisible both vocalists seem to be struggling to pull their own weight where both alto and baritone can synchronize and where Hayden and Tom can only find common ground in having their own separate songs to sing or holding a long drone of note behind each other’s words, which in my own point of view is a shame. Besides the procrastination, Smother is a beaut. Smother is absolutely captivating to get lost into. There’s an acute emotion here that this band knows exactly what to strive for, their sound is something many bands don’t necessarily strive for in this day of age. It’s a rare gem among those mainstreamers. There’s a calm swarm of groove, Reach A Bit Further grapples me the most as their shinning piece, for me this makes Smother all the worthwhile.
