
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2020-09-28
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


这个专辑收录了我的一部分中国风歌曲。结合了古典和时尚的风格。不同于一般意义上的古风,每一首歌都有自己背后的故事和积淀。旋律既有传统概念,也有现代配器。期待你走进歌曲的世界,感受这份独特韵味。 《香飘来》 花好月圆代表着美好,团圆。这是一首甜蜜的歌曲。在月圆之夜,表达对爱人的思念之情。 香飘来,未见其人先闻香。香至随性情所至,含蓄却更显有情。开场电吉他和架子鼓这样的现代西洋乐跟古筝等民乐的对比衔接,让中国风不再清淡扭捏,而是如风畅快淋漓地挥洒。歌词虽然含蓄,但情如香飘,寄月相思,创新大胆的曲风和充满现代感的演唱风格让人耳目一新。节拍鲜明,却又充满古韵优雅。 歌曲中后段加了Rap。让这首歌在优美的旋律之外,更添一丝俏皮活泼。 《东方丽人》 杜甫《丽人行》诗云:三月三日天气新,长安水边多丽人。态浓意远淑且真,肌理细腻骨肉匀。诗中把盛唐宫娥的态浓意远,妩媚慵懒表现得惟妙惟肖,令人着迷。所以忽发灵感,写了这首《东方丽人》。 《无关风雅》 人生的一路风景美好,但最好的风景是茫茫人海的那个他,无关风雅。 风景再美,也美不过相伴的甜蜜和幸福。有你的地方,就是最好的风景。无关风雅。 《不必太认真》 就像歌词里唱的那样,一切随缘去。有很多人和事情不是自己可以控制。就像这天气,不会打招呼。放开胸怀,接受一切好的和有缺陷的,顺应自然的规律,你会发现这世界比你想象的要美好。 《又见》 这是一首描写在秋日重逢的歌曲。 重逢在美丽的湖边。那一泓秋水正如你的双眼,波光粼粼,清漪涟涟。 美好的情意从未改变,就算流光飞逝,依然清澈如初。 《盘花》 最近我自己心血来潮修改一件旗袍,想改良一下。那盘扣拆下,却很难再重新缝上去,太需要耐心和功夫了。然后我想到了小时候的一件事。 那时我们弄堂有个老邻居。这位伯伯当年七十多岁了,是个老裁缝,专做旗袍。他有心传承。但经过动荡的时代,他自己的儿女都没有这方面的兴趣了。他非常欣赏我妈妈心灵手巧,一心想把手艺传授给她。他有一天到我们家,抱来一个木匣子要送给我妈妈。打开一看,里面全是他做的盘花扣,悉心珍藏了几十年。我简直惊呆了,那些扣子我以前根本没见过,那个精致啊,鸟兽,花卉等等个个绚丽多彩,风格独特。这些自己设计制作的盘花扣每一件都是艺术品。我妈妈觉得太珍贵了,最终婉拒了。但那个木匣子打开的那一瞬间一直留在我脑海里。 盘花扣作为一种传统工艺,可以独立成为一门艺术。传统的手艺非常繁复,极需耐心细致和创意。我佩服这样一种工匠精神。他老人家一辈子做旗袍,把一件事做到最好最极致。这样的一种传统艺术需要代代相传。就像这每一对盘花扣,都有着自己的故事。是手艺人的故事,也是穿戴着她的人的故事。故事就在这首歌里。 歌曲最后的结尾:情不灭,花不谢,世世代代恋成双。寓意只要天下有情在,这盘花扣的传统手艺就不会消亡,会代代传下去。扣子一对成双,也寓意着美好的爱情。 这首歌的曲子很有古韵的风格,是我自己喜欢的类型。编曲用了很多传统乐器,古筝,琵琶,笛子,还有钢琴,提琴等。 《呼吸》 全世界都被一场病毒裹挟不前,我们的生活方式都发生了巨大的变化。很多人因此失去生命,失去所爱的人。还有很多人在忍受病痛折磨。外面的世界,多么令人向往又令人却步。这首歌的歌词写好有一个多月了,这几天才有了曲子风格的想法。现在看着窗外下午阳光明媚,但我们却不可以任性外出。代价太大了。 经过这场灾难,愿人类反思,善待自然,敬畏生命,保护环境,和自然和谐共处,远离病毒。愿我们大家都平安,拥有静好的生活。 This album contains part of my Chinese style songs. Combines classic and fashionable styles. Different from the ancient style in the general sense, every song has its own story behind it. The melody has both traditional concepts and modern music arrangement. I look forward to you entering the world of songs and feeling this unique charm. "Sweet Fragrance" Open Blossoms and full moon represents beauty and reunion. This is a sweet song. On the night of the full moon, express your love for your lover. Sweet fragrance floating, but did not see her, smell the fragrance first. Fragrance comes with her temperament, but the implicit is more affectionate. The contrast between modern Western music such as electric guitars and drums and folk music such as guzheng at the opening, let the Chinese style no longer be light and tweaked, but swayed like the wind. Although the lyrics are subtle, the feelings are like sweet fragrance, acacia, creative and bold style and modern singing style. The beat is bright, but it is full of ancient charm. Rap was added in the latter part of the song. Let this song add a touch of playfulness to the beautiful melody. "Beauty from afar" Du Fu's "Li Ren Xing" Poetry says: The weather is nice in March, early spring, and there are many beautiful ladies on the waterfront of Chang'an city. Their attitude is far away but true, and the skin texture is delicate and even. In the poem, the royal ladies posture in the Tang Dynasty is far away, and the charming and lazy performance is wonderful and fascinating. So suddenly inspired, wrote this "Beauty from afar". "Unrelated" The scenery along the way in life is beautiful, but the best scenery is the one you love and care, which has not related to any elegance of scenery itself. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it cannot be more sweet and happy. The place with you is the best scenery. It has nothing to do with any elegance of scenery itself. "Don't be too serious" Just like the lyrics says, everything goes with destiny. There are many people and things that you can't control. Just like the weather, you don't know how it changes. Open your mind, accept all good and flawed, follow the laws of nature, you will find this world is better than you think. "See you again" This is a song describing a reunion in autumn. Meet again by the beautiful lake. That great autumn water is just like your eyes, sparkling, waves rippled. The beautiful sentiment has never changed, even if time flew, love was still as strong as before. "Flower buckles" Recently, I modified a cheongsam on my own whim, and wanted to improve it. The collar buckle was removed, but it was difficult to sew it up again. It takes patience and effort. Then I thought about something when I was a kid. At that time we had an old neighbor in the alley. This uncle was in his seventies, and was an old tailor who specialized in cheongsam. He has a heart to pass on. But after the turbulent times, his own children have no interest in this regard. He admired my mother's ingenuity and dexterity very much and wanted to teach her handicraft skills. He came to our house one day and brought a wooden box to give to my mother. When I opened it, it was full of handcrafted buckles made by him, and it was carefully preserved for decades. I was stunned. I haven't seen buckles like any of that before. Such requisite, in shapes of birds, beasts, flowers, etc. are all colorful and unique. Each pair of these self-designed buckles is a work of art. My mother felt too precious, and finally refused. But the moment the wooden box opened was kept in my mind always. As a traditional art craft, buckle can become an art independently. Traditional craftsmanship is very complicated and requires patience, meticulousness and creativity. I admire such a craftsman spirit. The old man made cheongsam all his life, and he did one thing best and most extreme. Such a traditional art needs to be passed down from generation to generation. Just like each pair of flower buckles, it has its own story. It ’s the story of the craftsman, and the story of the person wearing her. The story is in this song. The end of the song says: the love never goes out, the flowers don’t go down, and love from generation to generation becomes a pair. The moral is that as long as there is love in the world, the traditional craftsmanship of this flower buckles will not die out and will be passed down from generation to generation. The buckles are created in a pair, which also means good love. The song's tune is very classic-fashioned, and it's my favorite type. I used a lot of traditional musical instruments, Guzhen, Pipa, flute, piano, violin and so on. "Breathing" Covid 19, Outbreak of coronavirus. The world is being held back by this virus, and our life style has changed dramatically. Many people have lost their lives and lost the ones they love. There are still many people suffering from illness. The world is so exciting but daunting. After this disaster, I would like to reflect on humanity, treat nature well, respect life, protect the environment, live in harmony with nature, and stay away from viruses. May all of us be safe and have a good life.
