
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2015-02-09
  • 类型:EP


Bear's Den, the London trio made up of Andrew Davie, Kevin Jones and Joey Haynes, have made a quite lovely EP called Agape. I thought we were dealing with a 'mouths wide open in wonder' situation at first, but apparently 'agape' can also mean Christian or, more broadly, spiritual love. So it makes sense that there is a sense of devotional, and frequently familial, reflection on this record. The opening title track tells of the horror of contemplating life without this 'agape'. It isn't depressing because we're sitting on the safe side of loss with Davie, still possessing what would be so painful to lose; the cheery banjo and sway-inducing beat help too. The chorus lyrics lack any originality and must have been sung a thousand times but, because here they're genuinely part of the message being relayed and not just a space-filler, it doesn't grate.
