All I Want for Christmas Is You to Stop Being a Psycho (Live)

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2016-12-16
  • 唱片公司:Victory Studios Music
  • 类型:现场专辑


Bread & Butter are a Seattle band obsessed with cramming their songs full of good fun, bad fun, rad sounds, and killer moves. True to their name, they keep it plain and simple. These songs will make you feel like cracking a beer and just forgetting about time. One music journalist describes the tunes as “total day-drinking jams for sunburns, bridge jumping, light denim, forgetting to go to work… no problemo classic rock ’n’ roll.” ​ Another journalist sums it up like this: Bread & Butter makes “music you would actually listen to.” ​ This is a power pop group that doesn’t skimp on the pop or the power. Each song is carefully arranged, but still sound like it's in danger of flying out of control. Like any good party!
