
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2019-02-28
  • 唱片公司:大象无形
  • 类型:Single




词曲创作人 陈嬛Erika 2019年3月歌单 这首歌写在2016年1月4日 那时我刚结束直播工作一个多月 一个舒服快乐的早晨 遇见 一颗忍不住想要歌唱的心 在这张EP专辑里 有写这首歌的故事 有当天写完歌曲立马录下来的简单小样 还有3年后的今天要呈现给你的完成作品 1《歌唱的心》 讲故事 The Story 一分钟实景录音 一个写歌人的日常 # 生活与灵感 # 2 《流浪的心》 听小样 The Demo 为未来的爱人写下新歌 捕捉灵感记载心声 # 听歌就要听Demo # 3 《盛开的心》 赏作品 The Product 联手 霍尊《卷珠帘》风雅词人 李姝 汪苏泷《无名之辈》 金牌制作人 任寒冰 和 国际音乐人、DJ、钢琴家 Piah 得 一首精良制作的音乐作品 # 花开有期 用心良苦 收获甘甜 # 愿你心如花开 赏一路风景 风雨之时不忘期盼 终收获甘甜芳香 爱你们 May Hope & Love Be Around You 陈嬛Erika Singer-songwriter Erika Chen March 2019 Song List This song was written on 4th Jan 2016 I had just stopped live-streaming career for a month A fresh and joyful morning, meets A heart that longs to sing In this EP album You’ll hear the story behind the birth of this song The demo that was recorded on the very day it was written And the final product I’m presenting to you today 1《The Singing Heart 歌唱的心》 The Story One minute live recording. The sounds in a songwriter’s one day. # Life & Inspiration # 2 《The Wandering Heart 流浪的心》 The Demo A song written for my future true love. Expressing an emotion I did not yet have. # Demo is the coolest way to listen to a song # 3 《The Blossoming Heart 盛开的心》 The Product Lyrics written with the amazing Li Shu who penned lyrics for霍尊’s《卷珠帘》, Produced by my mentor Sam Ren who recently produced the movie theme 《无名之辈》by汪苏泷. Working together again with my co-founder at Newsong – music producer, DJ, multi-talented musician – Piah. A work that took much effort finally bore fruit. # There’s a right time for a flower to blossom # I wish you endure all the rain and stormy wind, With strong faith and hope. Soon your heart will blossom like a flower, Harvesting such aroma and sweetness that nothing can ever resemble. Love you all, May love and hope be around you, Erika Chen
