Born This Way (International Special Edition Version)

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2011-05-23
  • 唱片公司:Interscope
  • 类型:录音室专辑


少了她 就不完美 2011 全宇宙唯一话题 颠覆时尚、逆转潮流,全球流行由她掌控!源源不绝的创作才华、目不暇给的多元拼贴创意,沦陷当红夜店、瘫痪YouTube网站、入籍富比士杂志「全球最具影响力名人」和「百大最具影响力女人」名单,风光囊括「最佳流行女歌手」等5座葛莱美加冕,累积各地大小奖项110座,世界就是她的舞台!轻易推翻年龄、性别、种族、语言隔阂,思考大跃进、拓宽窄视野,少了她,这个世界就不完美!2011全宇宙唯一话题-- Lady Gaga! 本名Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta的Lady Gaga,2008年发行首张专辑『The Fame/超人气』,2009年推出『The Fame Monster/超人气魔神』,惊人缔造全球1500万张专辑+5100万张单曲销售天量,列入告示牌「2010年度艺人」+「2010最热销艺人」以及「2000年代最佳艺人」重点项目、时代杂志「2010全球最具影响力人物」! 众所瞩目全新大碟【Born This Way/天生完美】,首波同名主打“Born This Way”,成为告示牌流行榜第1000首冠军曲,推出5天全球下载次数狂破百万,不仅重新设定音乐工业高门槛单曲销量,更空降美国冠军并蝉联六週之久;乘胜追击的“Judas”,由Lady Gaga和恩师RedOne(珍妮佛洛佩兹、亚瑟小子)携手合写/制作,描述无法自拔的爱上一个如犹大般的爱情叛徒,包覆Dubstep/House元素,24小时内再度登上全球冠军;以德文和英语交错演绎的“Scheiße”,通上强劲高压电流,适当运用效果器增色,如同一个巨大怪兽吞噬著你的听觉感应;Lady Gaga在祖父过世后有感而发写下以Electropop为基调的“The Edge Of Glory”,请到工人皇帝Bruce Springsteen专属乐团The E Street Band萨克斯风手Clarence Clemons助阵。2CD盘聚集多达17首歌曲,更额外加收6支混音版曲目,其中“Born This Way”的Country Road Version混音版,褪去电气外衣,改装乡村摇滚,呈现很不一样的新鲜Gaga。 还需要多馀的形容和介绍吗?她是Lady Gaga,而这是她2011年全新专辑【Born This Way/天生完美】。 Born This Way is the second studio album and third major release by American recording artist Lady Gaga. It was released on May 23, 2011 by Interscope Records as a follow up to her internationally successful, The Fame (2008) and the extended play The Fame Monster (2009). Born This Way is notably different from The Fame and The Fame Monster as it incorporates a broader range of elements of several musical genres such as opera, heavy metal, disco, and rock and roll, and fuses those elements with sounds of electropop and dance. The album also is heavily inspired by synthpop and electronic music from the 1980s and 90s. In the album, the central themes include those of religion, sexuality, and feminism. On the record, Gaga worked with several producers, including RedOne, the only hold over for her previous work. With Born This Way, Gaga took more control of her musical direction and the album composition. Production first took place in early 2010, with recording sessions for the album took place at various recording studios around the world. The title was revealed in September at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards after Gaga's win of the Video of the Year Award for "Bad Romance". Just a week before the album's scheduled release, the contents were leaked online, but were shortly removed due to copyright violations. Three singles and one promotional single were released for the album. "Born This Way", the lead single, topped the charts in over eighteen countries including the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States. It would become the fastest selling single in iTunes history, having sold over 1 million copies within its first five days. "Judas" was the second single for Born This Way. The song peaked on the top ten in nineteen countries. "The Edge of Glory", originally released as one of two proposed promotional singles, was shortly made as the third single of the album. The song debuted at number three on the Billboard Hot 100, and topped the charts in Brazil and South Korea. The promotional single for the album, "Hair", peaked at number twelve on the Billboard Hot 100 and chart on the musical charts in sixteen different countries. The album has been met with generally positive reception from contemporary critics, who complimented Gaga's vocals and the album's varying musical styles. However, the repetitive use of the word "Jesus", in addition to the employment of church bells and monk voices in many of the album's tracks including "Marry the Night," "Bloody Mary" and "Electric Chapel" have all resulted in negative reactions from some Christian societies, including those in Lebanon, where Born This Way was temporarily banned. Despite such strife, Born This Way topped the charts in twenty-three countries. It debuted atop the US Billboard 200 chart with first-week sales of 1.11 million copies. Over 430,000 of these sales were at a special price of US$ 0.99, which offered for two days during the album's first week of release.
