
  • 语种:其他
  • 发行时间:2019-05-05
  • 类型:Single
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长




山泽四重奏Senza Quartet成立于2017年,由两把小提琴,一把中提琴,一把大提琴构筑一个包含古典、流行、爵士、民族的多元世界。四位年轻的演奏家通过在演绎方式上的积极探索和对多种音乐类型的巧妙融合,将古典乐的深邃内涵结合当下年轻人的听觉与视觉审美,打破桎梏,营造出了多维度的感官体验。他们是音乐厅里的常客,同时足迹也遍及老洋房、教堂、美术馆、Live house甚至是街头和大自然。 《耳朵》并不是他们第一首流行改编。早在去年的5月,他们就相继发布了李荣浩另外一首优秀作品《戒烟》的室内乐版本。此外,他们的第一张专辑包含的同名歌曲《成人法则》也是日本另类摇滚“女王”椎名林檎的代表作。即将与《耳朵》同时发布的专辑《音·色》还收录了电影音乐(《爱乐之城》和《寻梦环游记》等)以及Swing风格的《Fly Me To The Moon》和“卡妹”的Havana。 Senza Quartet (山泽四重奏) is well-known as a young and good-looking “classical band” in Shanghai. SENZA was from the term ‘Senza Sordino’, which means ‘without the mute’. Homda Chan, the founder, is a famous violinist and pluralistic musician. Besides performing in concert hall, he is guiding this young string quartet moving their steps to more grounded and youth-welcomed places like galleries, lofts, livehouses and even nature. Furthermore, the combination of Senza Quartet can be unconventional, they are now more like a band, trying to make a fresh refined fusion between strings and other instruments even though vocal. 耳朵(Ear) is not their first pop arrangement, they had released another Ronghao Li’s pop song 戒烟(Quit Smoking) in the May of 2018. Their third album "See The Sound" will be released right soon, guiding you to the string arrangements of the best classical-crossovers in recent hundred years, including program music (by M.Ravel and Piazzolla), film music (by D.Shostakovich, Justin Hurwitz and Robert Lopez), jazz (by Bart Howard) and instrumental pop (by Camila Cabello).
