• 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2020-07-07
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice/ASIA RISING/88rising
  • 类型:Single


88rising的 ASIA RISING FOREVER主题企划在今夏聚集了来自亚洲最令人振奋的艺术家们,为观众们献上温柔亲切的“卧室演出“。作为这一企划的第四个部分,泰国创作型音乐人Phum Viphurit献唱了他的大热单曲“Lover Boy”以及他2019年的EP《Bangkok Balter Club》中的单曲“Pluto”的纯享精简版。 Phum Viphurit是一位来自泰国曼谷的创作型音乐人。他擅长运用轻快的旋律以及对于如何找到自己的声音并发掘自己在整个世界中的位置的阐释,来演绎独特的另类流行音乐,创作出了许多迷人并深入人心的作品。近年来,Phum凭借他占领2018舞池的单曲“Lover Boy”以及2017年的大热作品“Long Gone”获得了国际范围的认可。他的首张录音室专辑《Manchild》解析了他个人成长历程中的自我探寻、初恋、欲求、热情以及梦想的建立。 他在国际市场上的迅速崛起,为他接下来在亚洲、欧洲和美国的各大音乐节火热的顶级演出与各项售卖的大获成功铺平了道路。Phum的音乐吸引了国际各地的听众们,去年在Spotify上获得了在65个国家范围内破纪录的1600万流量数据。他的最新单曲“Hello, Anxiety”在今年三月发行以来,已获得了500万的浏览量数据。 As the fourth installment of 88rising’s ASIA RISING FOREVER series, which showcases intimate bedroom-style performances from Asia’s most exciting artists, Thai singer-songwriter Phum Viphurit offers stripped-down versions of his breakout single “Lover Boy” along with “Pluto” from his 2019 EP Bangkok Balter Club. Phum Viphurit is a singer-songwriter based in Bangkok, Thailand. He writes charmingly and irresistibly inviting music—his interpretation of alternative indie-pop soars with buoyant melodies and comfortably familiar themes of finding your own voice and exploring your place in the world. Phum gained international recognition in 2018 from his dance floor-filler single, “Lover Boy,” and sleeper hit, “Long Gone,” in 2017. His first studio album, Manchild, navigates coming-of-age discoveries of self-identity, first love, desire, passion, and building his dreams. His meteoric rise to international recognition paved for highly successful, sold-out headline shows and premier billing at music festivals—in Asia, Europe, and the United States. Phum’s music has reached an international audience, gaining a record-breaking 16 million streams on Spotify across 65 countries last year. His latest single, “Hello, Anxiety” was released in March this year, with already 5 million views.
