慢慢停(Stop Slowly)

  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2019-04-24
  • 唱片公司:独立发行
  • 类型:Single


「月亮是我抛出去的硬币, 两面都是梦见你」 在距离的考验下 每一次的遇见又离开 随意的生活态度,感受更多点的小乐趣 原来,又爱又恨的爱能让人真正的成长。 It's been a while without you. Do you miss me like I do? Do you take care of yourself good? Do you remember how it feels to hold my hands? No answers do I have. So I wander And wonder Suddenly 25stars falling down from the sky, And all the answers in my mind. 2019全新创作单曲《慢慢停》解析那些爱与被爱的生活里让人甜蜜的瞬间…
