
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2023-06-29
  • 唱片公司:Go East Music Entertainment Consulting Limited (PolyGram)
  • 类型:Single




贺三推出全新单曲《明日指南》,歌曲充满温柔的力量,释出后便引发听众的强烈共鸣。 贺三以当下的心境出发,用歌曲给予迷茫中的我们笃定前行的信念:明日虽万般变化,但请大胆往前看,定不辜负奔赴的勇气! 《明日指南》用简明扼要的歌词激励着停滞不前的每一个人。 人生路,或许会遇到无数身处漩涡的时刻,但在越陷越深之时也许会得到某种暗示,我们应该勇敢踏出向前的脚步,“往前看是一项总被人们忽略的技能”,在逆境里学会往前看,才能将我们拉出泥潭,迈向新的明天。 贺三用轻松潇洒的语气表达着她的态度:“相信时间是日出的另一面,我敢盛开也敢枯萎。”真心祈盼每一个听到歌曲的人,都能够拥有盛开与枯萎的勇气! He San’s latest single “Tomorrow’s Guide” infuses with gentle power and releases a strong coherent of harmony. The song radiates the present state of mind of HeSan and helping those who are lost to rebuild a firm course ahead. Be brave to embrace the uncertain tomorrow and one shall not regret of the determined will power! “Tomorrow’s Guide” is a song with terse words encouraging those who are in an unmoving state. We may be caught up in a swirl of dilemma in life, but we will be awakened somehow by certain sign when we get deeper into the void. Looking forward is a feat that we neglect. We have to look forward when in predicament and only by doing so that we can go chase tomorrow and leaving all entanglements behind. He San expresses herself in a light and unconventional demeanor: “trusting time is the mirror of the sun, I dare to bloom and wilt”. Wishing every listener can be brave to face the flourishing and wilting moments in life!
