
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2022-03-01
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


所谓的讽刺—就是一种很沉重的幽默。 俗话说慢工出细活,陈年酿美酒,好饭不怕晚,温水煮青蛙,自从上一张EP推出之后,老破麻们这次酝酿了好久,如今终于气势磅礡的炸出最新专辑「衣冠禽兽」,这次他们收起一贯嘲讽的嘴脸,开始自嘲起来了,难道他们这次要摒弃他们以往的嘲讽主义了吗?不!他们这次加倍奉还的嘲笑着自己,就像他们说的,「因为人心如镜,学会自嘲才是对这个世界最大的嘲讽。」 值得一提,这次「衣冠禽兽」的专辑设计请来Roadside inn主唱兼设计师「多多」亲自操刀,颓废中又带点叛逆的风格,又如一本童话故事书般的包装,就犹如老破麻的歌曲一样总是带着嬉皮笑脸的轻浮态度,包装起一个又一个沉重的事实,不经意间让人有种「他是不是在笑我?」的错觉,使整张专辑更是讽刺意味十足。 整张专辑看似胡闹又荒谬,但每当你细细品味的同时,总能在这张专辑里找到自己相似的影子,又或者,当你正打算捧腹大笑的时候,却又被某句扎心的歌词给刺痛,谬错,这就是老破麻用嘲讽对这个残酷世界进行报复的方式,一种沉重的幽默。 The wait is finally over. The Old Slut Distortion(OSD) is striking back after their countless hours of loneliness, sadness, lightheadedness, and madness during quarantine. Unlike their usual theme of crude satire directed at others, OSD is serving something different this time- they are targeting themselves. With a hint of the bare truth, self-ridicule is often the most humorous yet meanest portrait of oneself. The album “A Beast In Human Clothing” is a burlesque of OSD’s literal life. To fully represent their love of satirical attitudes, OSD has invited the designer Dodo (多多), also the lead singer of Roadside Inn, to devise the artworks for the album. Frivolous yet rebellious, the overall aesthetic might seem contradicting to the ethereal undertone, but it is in fact a paradigm of OSD’s songs- delivering the harsh truths in a whimsical manner. It is totally normal when you can’t help but to think,“are they making fun of me?” OSD is taking cynicism to a whole new level. A line, a verse, a song, or even the entire album, despite looking extraneous and absurd, can sometimes be relatable to one of the shattered souls, like us. As we ruminate through the songs, we laugh, we sing, we get mad. OSD will always find a way to touch your feelings. Always.
