
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2018-09-21
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:EP


「太阳黑子」是太阳光球表面形成温度降低的区域,进而产生黑色斑点的现象,WEDNESDAY 坏透乐团在如烈日的普世价值下,成为少数暗影里的居住者与观察者,并建造出一首首冷酷异境与幻境奇景,旋律上的疏离调性看似独自绽放,层层交叠的现实隐喻却像虫洞般,不断牵引著内心情绪,要在太阳强迫进入眼帘之前,躲进阴影里,撕下被生活晒脱的那层皮。 “Sunspots” are temporary phenomena on the Sun's photosphere that appear as spots darker and colder than the surrounding areas. General tastes and common values are like the sun that forces people to follow and to worship. WEDNESDAY & BAD TO THE BONE is the band lives in the dark side,creating a chilling feeling in this EP by observation of the shadow of life. No matter how heartbreaking and claustrophobic like that may sound, those songs just can grab your visceral, and every notes will literally inhale your soul in deeper and deeper every time.
