
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2012-08-31
  • 唱片公司:Kenji Workshop
  • 类型:录音室专辑


A musical journey as well as diary of one of Asia's most renowned instrumentalist Peter Lai. "East-perience" (Eastern Experience) is his 13th instrumental album originally produced for a documentary TV series, covering the studies of the entire Chinese nationalities and cultures. The album includes some of the most distinctive musical elements among various nationalities of China. The artiste himself lives outside of mainland China for many years but this recording journey has allowed him to observe China rather differently, non politically! Some of the music contents are included in Peter Lai's Youtube channel (search phrase - peterlaikc or Music Doco Channel). Furthermore, this album includes the song titled - "Praise of Mongolia". It's a traditional piece originated in Mongolia about 2 centuries ago. The song has evolved into various versions. It is truly a masterpiece of the world famous Mongolian throat singing style. Peter Lai has adapted and rearranged the song sometime ago and gaining over 1,000,000 views on Youtube channel. To satisfy the viewers requests, he has rearranged the song again and specially produced this song with the Inner Mongolia throat singing performer Mr. Jia-Bu Su-Ren for East-perience's international debut. If you enjoy ethnic world music, this album is made for your leisure. If you enjoy different cultural experiences, this album is a must. *Get a hidden bonus track for Free. Visit official website for details.
