O'Reilly's Irish Curse Soundtrack

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2012-11-15
  • 唱片公司:Ideas to Images Productions
  • 类型:录音室专辑


O’Reilly’s Irish Curse is the soundtrack to the story of a Highway robber from Ireland in the 1760’s,The Newry Highwayman. Andrew arranged 10 traditional folk songs with full energy in the playing as well as his strong emotional charged vocals where he takes on the role of the characters. In the song Newry Highwayman Andrews voice is unapologetic for the crimes he has committed as he makes one last request at the gallows. In the Bob Dylan song Seven Curses Andrew changes up the sound for a less traditional sound, it is a rocking song full of intensity of the anger of betrayal and the seven curses given to a sleazy judge by the widow of the Newry Highwayman. The Foxhunters is played with traditional instruments but here again Andrew breaks new ground with the full sound to this lively song. Tap or dance along it will get you moving. The album has 3 O’Carolyn classics on the harp as well as violin and flute. The most unusual song is the Gartan Mothers Lullaby on this album. A sound-scape song to the traditional Irish Lullaby it has to be heard to be appreciated for the great piece that it is. Super smooth with it’s hypnotic Irish drum beat. The words come at you from all directions to the healing sounds of his playing it finishes to the mystical sounds of the Irish pipes playing in the distance. Entrancing and fulfilling.
