Getting Somewhere

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2010-03-30
  • 唱片公司:Mud Pie Records
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Norfolk is currently a hot bed for blues talent what with the award winning Oli Brown Band and the proliferation of local original blues talent such as Ron Sayer, Sol Philcox and Norwich based duo Dove and Boweevil. Dove and Boweevil have earned a fine reputation over the last three years as a ‘refreshing’ acoustic blues and soul act. Drawing inspiration from the vast landscapes of Norfolk as well as their travels of the USA where they performed and followed the blues trail in New Orleans, Austin, Nashville, Atlanta, Memphism, St. Louis and Chicago. Getting Somewhere is the amazing debut album where you can hear these influences from the whiskey jar bars of 'Bourbon Street,' the open skies and watery landscapes of Norfolk in 'Sky is Crying' as well as some voodoo magic and Memphis Stax influenced soul too. The album contains the soaring gospel influenced tones of Lauren Dove on vocals and the earthy sound of Mark ‘Boweevil’ Howes on Dobro, acoustic guitar and the occasional plugged in electric too. Dove and Boweevil feel the blues to the bone! Shake it up with a bit of soul and keep if sweet with some sultry folkiness and you might have what you're looking for.
