The Twilight Concertos

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2005-01-01
  • 唱片公司:Eyes & Stars Music
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Marshall Styler is a composer of instrumental, atmospheric music. His beautiful heartfelt melodies evoke emotions that calm the spirit and soothe the soul. "The Twilight Concertos" has marked the beginning of a new stage for the artist, who thus has emerged from a dark period in his life. This is an album that transpires sensitivity from all its pores. Well wrapped into convincing arrangements and a perfect sonority, Marshall offers us in this occasion 10 themes, of a tremendously intimate nature, full of romantic melodies, typical of his style. They are pieces of a complex conception, yet at the same time they are easy to listen to. Of an impeccable make, this is a release that will surely be liked by a wide range of listeners. Come in and experience what one reviewer has called "Poetry without words.
