吉它侠 II

  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2016-05-15
  • 类型:录音室专辑


专辑里的歌曲集合几年累计下来的创作,呈现了不同的音乐风貌, 让人们改变对电结他的刻板印象。 不是一味的只有纯粹的摇滚…也有静态的一面。 收录的歌曲不会像一般的纯音乐专辑, 远离人群、曲高而寡。 细细的咀嚼,慢慢的回味。你将有不同的感受与惊喜! Album collection of songs a few years down the accumulated creation, it presents a different musical style, get people to change the stereotype of the electric guitar. It is not only blindly pure rock ... there are static side. It included the song not as a general Instrumental album, away from the crowd, the song is high and few. Thin chew slowly aftertaste. You will have different feelings and surprises!
