
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2013-12-06
  • 唱片公司:亚神音乐
  • 类型:录音室专辑


前进乐团是一组爆发力十足的三人英式摇滚团体。擅长以浓郁绵密的和声、强烈又动听的编曲揉合出极具魅力的演绎风格。 流利的中文及对于华语音乐的广泛涉猎,加上团员本身有着厚实的摇滚音乐涵养,创作的音乐散发出在传统英式摇滚里听不到的独特韵味,其创作视野已是不言可喻。 前进乐团成立于1997年,前后与台湾接触长达11年,更于居住三年期间,重拾校园学习中文,并开始创作中文歌曲,也在体育馆、大学校园、音乐节、咖啡店......等巡回表演,音乐领域陆续蔓延,2011年更以一首创作ʻ对不起我的中文不好ʼ在网络上爆红,至今已成为外国人学习中文的入门课 ! 2012年返回英国后,仍不放弃音乐与对台湾的热情持续前进,也为中华奥运队写下ʻ前进Olympic Dreamʼ的主题曲,在伦敦一同为台湾的选手们加油打气! 至今发行三张专辑,经过了两年的酝酿,他们即将再发行第四张全新国语专辑《跨 越》。保存了原有英式摇滚融合了亚洲流行乐,浓烈曲风的再度绽放。这次感谢音乐才子周杰伦提供编曲意见,死党罗文裕、崔香兰和江佩锦写词,并由知名制作人Sam Bell (U2, REM, Robbie Williams, Snow Patrol, Bloc Party, Editors御用制作人) 做混音,最后在地下音乐圈内的皇帝ʻ老王ʼ录到最自然的摇滚灵魂而完整了整张专辑 !《跨越》真实的跨越六千多英里的距离,跨越语言,跨越文化而完整!这张全新专辑对乐团来说意义重大,为团员北极熊最后一次呈献完美的纪念,《跨越》不单只是纪念经历的感动也感谢每一位一路支持影响过、帮助过前进乐团的人!相信更是为期待已久的乐迷打造出一张精采的摇滚专辑,一同跨越零距离的音乐的涟漪与感动。 Transition: English Introduction Transition are a three piece British rock band creating music that touches the soul - a fusion of eastern and western musical influence! Their roots are in Bristol, U.K, but they combine this rock foundation with Asian rhythm and melody, producing music that inspires audiences from both sides of the globe. i Transition’s three years living and performing in Taiwan had a profound effect on their lives and music, especially their song-writing. Their first mandarin song ‘Sorry My Chinese Isn’t so Good’ became an instant youtube hit. It gathered over a million views, and is now an anthem for all foreigners learning Chinese! Another landmark came in 2012 when the band were given the honour of writing the official theme song for the Taiwanese Olympic team for the London 2012 Games - the first ever foreign band to be given this opportunity! Now Transition are releasing their first ever mandarin album, ‘Going Beyond’. Arrangement and production include the involvement of several well-known names: Jay Chou (arrangement advice), Wing Lo (lyrical assistance) and the band’s long- term friend, Sam Bell (U2, REM, Robbie Williams, Snow Patrol, Bloc Party, Editors) All this has created an inspirational finish to the recorded sounds! Going Beyond is a great showcase for the band’s unique fusion of east/west rock. As another milestone, bassist Niall Dunne has decided this is the time to say goodbye to the band, making this album an historic part of the band’s journey - it shouldn’t be missed!
