• 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2018-06-28
  • 唱片公司:独立发行
  • 类型:录音室专辑


黑莉莉首张《BACK?BACK!》实体专辑,集结了北京、上海、深圳等多位国内资深音乐人参与制作。自2016年12月开始筹划录制,2018年4月完成母带终混。整张专辑的制作由87 Music(肇庆)独立音乐制作人伍绍维担任(合作艺人:与非门,朱婧汐JING等)、有沐音乐(北京)录音师李天野等参与录音;母带制作由美籍华人Melvin Wong(赌鬼专辑制作人)在北京混制完成。 HEY!LILY!first album “BACK?BACK!” is given to the world. Starting recording in Dec.2016 and completing mastertape rerecording in Apr.2018, we’ve gathered excellent musicians from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and etc, to produce the album, which plans to be released independently. The recording engineer who participates in recording “BACK?BACK!” are: Yum Music(BJ)/A8 Studio(SZ)/XIAOTANCHANG(SZ)/87 Music(ZQ)/juju Music Studio(SH)The producer of whole album is Shaowei Ng, an indie music producer, the owner of 87 Music(ZQ)(Artists who collaborated with Shaowei Ng: YFM、JING、JINGHUAYUAN、Taimokwong、Moonband and etc.) Mastering engineer: Melvin (also the mastering producer for “Gamblers”) (BJ) 这张专辑的诞生,源自于一群不甘向生活妥协的年轻人,他们热爱摇滚乐,并勇敢地献身于此。黑莉莉在成立早期,深受Nirvana、Yeah Yeah Yeahs、The Runaways等乐队的影响,因此在《BACK?BACK!》这张专辑里,充分体现了朋克、车库、金属、迷幻、电子、复古Disco等极具Old School印象的风格属性。乖张却又炸裂的吉他音效、俘获人心的嗓音、强劲的舞曲节奏与骚而不腻的贝斯旋律结合如一剂精神催化剂,细致入微地钻进你的情绪,充分激燃藏匿于体内的荷尔蒙。 “BACK?BACK!” originates from a group of mediocre youth who are crazy in rock music, brave to devote themselves to it, and never yield and give in their life. We ‘ve deeply affected by bands like “Nirvana”, “Yeah Yeah Yeahs”, “The Runaways” and etc, and that’s why we can find Punk, Garage, Metal, Psychedelic, EDM, Disco and the other oldschool style in it. The perverse and crabbed guitar tune, alluring voice, strong disco beat and bassline filled with hormone, all of which consists of a psychic catalyzer that penetrates your emotion slowly and burns the hormone inside your body. 在这张专辑里面反复探讨的是“自我内心”与“孤独、焦虑”的较量。每一首歌所表达的既是一个独立的故事,又在其内传递的统一世界观——不畏惧,直面自我。歌曲里所传递的力量,将带领听众抵达高潮顶端,直到溶解孤独感。 In this album, the repeated discussion is about the fight of "Ego" and "loneliness & anxiety" . Each song expresses an independent story, and its inner transmission of a unified world view -- not fear, face to youreslf. The power of the song will carry the audience to the top of the climax, until the dissolution of the loneliness.
