Great Balls of Fire

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2018-08-03
  • 唱片公司:Kdigital Media, Ltd.
  • 类型:Single




Great Balls of Fire - The New Bardots - Naturally I dig the version made famous by Jerry Lee Lewis, but this is one of the best covers I have heard. As far a pure guitar driven adrenalin The New Bardots blow Jerry Lee away. This is what makes this song so cool. They have the obligatory piano jam, and the band is locked in, but good God does that guitar sound great! Well done guys! - Music Reviewer The Grouch in the Rockies. The New Bardots barrel through with the brash ramshackle rhythms of “Great Balls of Fire”. Going for a sly approach, the New Bardots slow things down into a fantastic churn, one that possesses a force of nature quality to it. Guitar chug along while everything simply shines. - Skope Magazine BeachSloth
