邓海琼传统古筝精品专辑: Mountain, Water, Sentiments (Traditional Chinese Zheng Masterpieces)

  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2013-06-22
  • 唱片公司:Haiqiong Deng 邓海琼
  • 类型:录音室专辑


“山. 水. 情.” – 邓海琼传统古筝精曲专辑 山水之情,人之情也。在中国传统文化里,山水一直深深地滋养着中国人文文化并汲予了无数文人墨客一片心灵净土。就像王羲之兰亭曲水流觞, 陶渊明终南采菊, 欧阳修山林之宴,和李公麟西园雅集之情之景令世人神往并心灵交汇。中国传统音乐恰恰又赋予了人与自然另一种抽象的和谐与完美。不同流派的传统作品不仅展现了中国广袤的人文地域之美,也道出了不同的山水情怀。天地山水之静,之深,之清,之远,似乎都现于一音一指之中。而自然界生动的气韵似乎也是中国传统艺术自古以来所追求的境界. 这种空逸灵动在这些古筝传统作品中体现在精致而变化无穷的音色以及左右手划按吟揉的错落有致之中. 单线条特质的旋律就像中国书法的线条一样, 时而流畅, 时而含蓄,时而迅捷, 时而凝重,时而虚空,时而粗旷, 即严密又稀疏, 即对称又参差, 却永远不失其动感及均衡之美. 可欲品味这些精妙细微处, 非要潜心静气, 耳聪目明, 心手相和. 也只有这样才可在瞬息变化中感受到言有尽而意无穷之意境. 每每坐于家中后院,湖中水鸟之嬉戏,四起之鸟鸣,风中摇曳之树林,光水影之交错,都深深地洋溢着自然的静谧与生机, 赋予了我无数新的体悟与感受, 种种心得皆在微妙瞬间中获得. 这张专辑是我对人, 对自然山水, 对中国传统文化的热爱. 这也是一个心灵之旅. 邓海琼 二零一三年二月于佛罗里达州塔城家中 “Mountain. Water. Sentiment” – Traditional Chinese Zheng Masterpieces by Haiqiong Deng Traditional Chinese arts explore the spiritual accord between humans and nature. For the past few thousand years, Chinese artists have drawn from the vitality, dynamics, energy, tranquility, and mutability of nature as the inspiration for their creations. The finest Chinese art infuse these elements in rhythm, style, and philosophy, allowing the observer to feel at one with the universe. As with other Chinese arts, the process of mastering traditional Chinese music is the process of individual enrichment and cultivation. The artist pursues not “technique,” but “sentiment,” “tone quality,” “rhythmic vitality,” taking a holistic approach to the “spiritual atmosphere.” The textures of traditional Chinese music are formed by interwoven lines and notes, which exude various qualities. They may be forceful, restrained, tender, swift, even, irregular, crisp, or loose, exhibiting constant subtle changes in timbre and melody just like what Chinese calligraphy masterpieces presented to us. When I sit in the backyard at home, seeing the shimmering light reflected from the lake; listening to the echoes of the crane splashing in the water and the singing of birds in the woods; feeling breeze pass gently by me, so tranquil, yet so powerful…these are my inspirations. When I pluck my zheng, only the purest tones and deepest emotions can harmonize with the divine of nature. This album is an expression of my passion for people, nature, and traditional Chinese art. It is a journey of an individual spirit. ----- By Haiqiong Deng February 2013, Tallahassee, FL Website: www.haiqiongmusic.com
