
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2014-07-29
  • 类型:Single




Hey man, I just like burgers a lot. Gotta get my burgz. Also it's kind of a song about relationships at the same time. For the girls I've dated, there are a few that maybe I hold a little more dearly and that I would want to go back to, but things have a way of working themselves out. If I don't go and find a new girl, how am I ever going to know whether the bad ones were all that bad or even that the good ones were all that good? I've found a comfortable place to be that I can keep going back to, but I want to be courageous and try new places but I'm scared of change and the place I've found is good enough for me right now. BURGER AND BURGER SHACK METAPHORS AND PUNS ETC. Oh and it's also about how other guys might settle for less or never be satisfied. There are some guys who just want it all and will spend their lives chasing a delicious burger that doesn't exist. And then there's the guys that will keep eating at that terrible place that everyone knows to avoid. Knowing PetitPanda, it's a wonder why this song isn't about Tacos instead...
