Sound of Toronto

  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2018-10-01
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


在专辑《Sound of Toronto》里,你能听到散落在城市各处的声音—TTC广播,市政厅钟声,救护车呼啸的警报,十字路口人行灯的倒数,安大略湖岸被轻拍的回声,以及皇后公园上方的鸟鸣和地下轨道被摩擦出的轰响。Mønochef 用嘈杂的创作环境把自己包裹起来,并给这些融合在普罗大众日常生活里的声音构造出一段故事,赋予不一样的生命与情感。 “我生活过的每一个城市 它都有自己一个特定的声音 一听你就知道你在那儿” 这张专辑不是一个以电子乐为载体的对这座城市简单的记录,它是糅杂了各种情绪的你和他在这座城市的生活。 “Sound of Toronto” blurs boundaries of noise, sound and music, by sampling and matching different elements from daily life -TTC chimps, pedestrian buttons at traffic lights and chirps of birds upon the sky along with noises of subway trapped underground. Everything around Mønochef has its rhythm and he creates a way to make them joyous and vibrant works of art. Behind his minimal techno style and progressively dense productions, what you can feel is not only the sound of Toronto, but also his, yours and everybody's life in Toronto.
