Banquet of under the cherry blossom

  • 语种:日语
  • 发行时间:2013-04-29
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Arrangement Emotional&Reason Tr.1 奈央 Tr.2/10/12 Lego Tr.3 U.3 Tr.4 DJ SHIKA’no HITO Tr.5 Caz Tr.6 yaka Tr.7 じろうす Tr.8 mokemoke situation report Tr.9 Draw the Emotional Draw the Emotional Tr.11 Vocal メメタ Tr.2/4 奈央 Tr.2/12 moy Tr.3 こっこ Tr.5 Caz Tr.6 mokemoke situation report Tr.7/9/12 阪本 Tr.8 じろうす Tr.8 みつきゃすたー Tr.9 沙兎 Tr.10 Draw the Emotional Draw the Emotional Tr.11 Instrument Lego Tr.3 センター Tr.9 kassaaaaaaan Tr.12
