Vaughn Sings Vaughn - Volume 2

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2007-01-01
  • 唱片公司:Manymoods Records
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Which Ben Vaughn do you know? You might be a fan of the musician who kicked out a series of deliciously rockin' albums as leader of the Ben Vaughn combo back in his Philly days. Possibly you know his work as a producer of such legends as Charlie Feathers and Arthur Alexander. Or maybe you're familiar with his witty scores, which have graced network TV shows and feature films. It's time you got better acquainted with Ben Vaughn, songslinger. The present album is the second in what will hopefully be a lengthy continuing recital of Ben's best material, old and new, freshly recorded with his outstanding working band, the Ben Vaughn Desert Classic. Few songwriters cover so much emotional and musical terrain so adeptly. Ben's wry observations on everything from terminal love affairs to the rhythm guitar player's lot in life are framed by music that draws from every imaginable corner of the American sonic lexicon. His professorship in the College of Musical Knowledge serves him superbly as the author of funny, smart, endlessly engaging songs. If there's a substitute for catching Ben in a small joint (where, if the setting is perfect, the bassist will be blocking the men's room door), Vaughn Sings Vaughn (Vol. 2) is it. These tunes sound great anywhere. - Chris Morris, Los Angeles, January 2007
