根 Kin

  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2018-06-22
  • 唱片公司:田水文化工作室
  • 类型:录音室专辑


我们本来是从根长出来的, 一路走啊走,被推到顶端, 回头看,当初的生活情境与样貌却都已消失 成军十年,农村武装青年被视为台湾最具指标意义的社运乐团之一,走过干政府的冲撞青春,青年已近中年。「不生气,我还会创作吗?」主唱阿达自问。 2015年,阿达回到故乡彰化,落脚浊水溪旁。看似定居,实则迈向另外一个更长的征途,学习月琴、台语,了解北管,熟悉地方文史…… 这次,农村武装青年唱起慢歌。缓慢中,借由曲调,感受一方的地理与水文;从咬字,嗅见土地的风味。 乐团从3人编制,改为6人,除大提琴手俐君,更加入鼓手育玮,小提琴施奕安、柳琴阿卢、竹笛兼唢呐Bobo,与年轻音乐人共同打磨,茁壮属于这个时代的台湾音乐。 逆着,名为进步与发展的风暴,召唤远离的生灵与亡魂,拾起四散的文化与记忆。是以为名,根。 The band was founded in 2007. Music of the band is rooted from the land of Taiwan, mixing the element of traditional, aboriginal, or ancient tunes with modern adaptions such as rock, folk and rap. Not only its music is quite unique, the soul of its music cares about the development of farmers, farm industries, and rural villages. The songs they write and play introspects about the relation between human and the land, trying to make the land live more perpetually. "Music is power", that's what the band believes and does. They'd keep singing to make the world a better place, that's for sure.
