• 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2022-02-25
  • 唱片公司:索尼音乐
  • 类型:Single




《星》is a duet that specially marks the love, feelings and mood of losing a loved one. Originally written by a friend who just lost his pet, he created these meaningful lyrics because of the sadness he experienced. The lyrics “I’m sorry, forgive my carelessness'' explains how a person wasn't able to cherish their loved one when they had them and the regret of not being able to care more about them when their life ended. Although originating from a sombre event, a beautiful song was created to process the pains of loss. On the track, you’ll hear the warm blend of Wen Wei’s sweetly toned vocals and Jae Li’s delicate delivery of emotion nested amidst a sentimental piano melody. The message that this duet wishes to deliver is how to deal with the process of grief born from loss and ultimately heal by remembering that those whom we lost are always with us in the stars above. 《星》是一首合唱歌曲,诉说一种痛失所爱的复杂情绪。词作者写下了刚刚经历的失去宠物的悲伤。歌词"对不起,原谅我的粗心大意"表达的是一个人没能在当下好好珍惜他们所爱,因失去而感到遗憾。故事令人唏嘘,创作者以歌曲来疗愈痛苦,纪念这份感情。 彣蔚甜美的声线和李天赐细腻的情感融合于钢琴旋律中,传达一种悲伤的情绪同时更分享如何处理这种因失去而带来的感伤。只要我们一直记得他们,逝去的人最终会变作星星在天空永远与我们同在。
