
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2007-07-21
  • 类型:录音室专辑


汩汩流水,自然的鸟鸣,身心舒展于怡然自得的静谧空间,仿佛航行于广袤的宇宙隧道,其声寂寂可闻。笛子、竖琴、吉他和着水流声,及时不时的虫鸟之鸣,神秘的时空之维被大、深、广地拓展开来,烦心事儿一扫而空。没有矫饰,还归本真,听,什么东东在轻轻地敲开通往你心灵的门扉…… The Yoga CD by Solitudes embraces the curative art of yoga, which has long been known to improve strength, mental clarity and inner peace. Ron Allen and Dan Gibson have created the perfect blend of music and nature sounds that are calming yet expansive and ideal for Yoga practice. Enjoy this relaxing and meditative listening experience. Instrumentation includes shakuhachi and bass bamboo flutes, sapranino sax, harp, clarinet, guitars, keyboards and the sounds of nature.
