At the Heart of It

  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2017-05-01
  • 唱片公司:Bianca Merkley
  • 类型:EP


There was a lot at stake when I recorded this EP. I had written several songs since my previous album, and these songs told a story that I felt I needed to share. I was secretly pregnant (and over the moon about it) when I recorded my Kickstarter video in the Spring of 2015, but I was determined to finish recording this EP before I officially wore the title of "mama." I was able to successfully fund my Kickstarter and had just emailed my producer, Scott Wiley, about setting dates to record in his studio. A few days later, I woke up several times in the middle of the night not knowing that I was actually in labor (10 weeks earlier than my scheduled due date). Despite our attempts to slow down the delivery, our sweet and very little babe came, and I placed this here EP on the shelf once again. The year that followed was full of the beautiful ups and downs that come with becoming a new mother, and with full hands and a full heart, I waited until the time felt right to make it back into the studio. With my guitar in one hand and little babes in tow, I was finally able to make it back into the studio in June of 2016. Throughout this entire EP, there is a theme of "hope," which is a message that I feel moved to share. I'm so grateful that I was able to finish this project and even more humbled at the opportunity to share it with others. If you get a chance to listen, I hope that you enjoy.
