

99% Angel MV上架内文 标题: Karencici – 99% Angel (Official Music Video) Official Music Video for " 99% Angel " by Karencici - Out Now: (请加数位平台连结) Follow Karencici Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itskarencici/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/itskarencici Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/himkarencicimusic YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheKarenCici/ Weibo: https://weibo.com/n/林恺伦Karencici 平常乖得要命 不乖的时候真要命 Are you really an Angel? 最潮女声 最坏天使 Karencici第二张创作专辑《99% Angel》同名主打歌曲 %歌曲介绍% 这首Hip-Hop的节奏歌曲是Karencici首度尝试旋律Rap,兼具性感与帅气。描述女生在陷入恋爱时的状态,看似无辜无邪但也偶尔想使坏,什麽是99% Angel?剩下的1%会有多坏?等你来揭开。 %影像制作% 导演: Ares Wu伍致纶 助理导演 :吴苑宜 摄影师: 杨胜威 摄大助:张谦旻 摄影助理 :陈威德 /用力拍电影有限公司 灯光师:曾冠霖 灯光助理:烛光工作室/好生活企业社 制片:黄纬豪 执行制片:陈登哲 /YuYu 美术:林仲贤 美术助理:费筱云 厂务:廖秦庆 crane:力荣影业有限公司 男演员:Marco Van 范马可 摄影器材:用力拍电影有限公司 灯光器材:阿荣影业股份有限公司 制作公司:乐多门有限公司 后期制作:The Domain Media 造型:洪孟如 Jill Hong 化妆:陈眉儒 Chloe C 髮型:Cliff @Hip Hair culture 99% Angel You want it? Baby 想不想来一点? 明明在你面前 却偏偏不让你向前 天使在人间 看似无辜又无邪 Woo 心跳 咚 的个咚 的个咚 的个咚 我来带你Fly to the moon to the moon Bet you 根本无法抵抗 这心动 Yea baby I’m too fly 真的难以形容 Like Ninety-nine 的我很无害 留 One percent 等你来揭开 Ah I’m just like candy I’m just like candy Oh damn, it’s so sweet Ah, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up Candy I’m just like candy Oh damn, it’s so sweet Ah, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up 吞下我 这颗糖果 百分百甜到心窝 Ah eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up 爱让我 这颗糖果 变成天使般恶魔 Ah eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up Hold up, wait a minute Mr. candyland 让你看看这个糖衣的裡面 多麽地精彩 彩虹色地带 Oh my god, baby I’m bout die I can’t breathe, 你是唯一的人让我 Can’t believe Oh baby, I got it going all night 嘴巴裡面含的糖果 没有其他字能形容你 But wonderful 给我来个 Taste yeah 不要乱动 Yeah 看穿你的胃 受不了这诱惑 My baby 这 Sugar high 让我疯狂 Tonight 梦幻的夜晚 糖果配 Red wine I’ll be your C.A.N.D.Y. I’ll be your C.A.N.D.Y. I’ll be your C.A.N.D.Y. I’ll be your C.A.N.D.Y. I’m just like candy I’m just like candy Oh damn, it’s so sweet Ah eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up Candy I’m just like candy Oh damn, it’s so sweet Ah, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up 吞下我 这颗糖果 百分百甜到心窝 Ah eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up 爱让我 这颗糖果 变成天使般恶魔 Ah eat it up, eat it up, eat it up, eat it up 词 Lyricist:Karencici, 陈信延 曲 Composer:Karencici 编曲 Arranger:kvn 制作人 Producer:Karencici, kvn 配唱制作人Vocal Producer:Karencici, kvn 和声编写 Backing Vocal Arranger:Karencici, kvn 和声演唱 Backing Vocals:Karencici 录音师 Recording Engineer:kvn 录音室 Recording Studio:Loverboy Studios 混音 Mixing Engineer:Daniela Rivera @dHaus Studios in Atlanta, GA Mastering : John Horesco @One Up Mastering OP:HIM Music Publishing Inc. TWD952091203
