


邱比 CHIU PI|基地 FOUNDATION 那个歌手,现在站在舞台上,他拿着麦克风灯光从后面洒, (The singer, who's standing on stage, holding mic, light pouring from the back.) 像极了一幅抽象外国风景画,不知道他,今天会不会紧张? (This looks like an abstract foreign painting. Don't know if he's nervous today.) 这个时候他开始把外套脱下,他歌声听起来跟专辑一模样, (Taking off his coat, just now. Voice sounds the same, as on album.) 我妈买了礼物等等想交给他,不知道我妈看到他会怎么样? (My mom got a gift, wanna hand to him. How will she react, when she meets him?) 那个歌手,现在毁了我的家, (The singer, has destroyed my family.) 我的妈妈,每一天都在想他, (My mom, thinkin' bout him daily.) 看他穿什么听什么,分析他写什么吃什么, (What he wears, what he hears, readin' em. What he writes, what he eats, checkin' em.) 他去过的地方我妈都要去打卡! (Wherever he goes, my mom is trackin'.) 全世界最爱我的应该是我妈吧,但我妈手机照片里全都是他呀, (Mom should love me most, in this world; but she got all his pics, in her phone.) 我有时在想会不会我已经不需要在这一个家?所以,我告诉她: (Sometimes, I just doubt the need to stick around. So, I was telling her:) 妳要给我一个说法,最爱的究竟是他、是我,还是爸? (“Give me your words, him, me or dad, who do you love the most?) 还想说把房产当面都过户给他,我妈却嚷:不是说好了要在梦里相见吗? (Saying you even wanna transfer house property into his name…” She shouted: Didn't we agree to meet in dreams?) 一个,闪现,必杀技;华丽,转身,回基地。 (Take one, Flash out, Ultimate; Victoria, retreat, back on base.) 耳朵,里面,的声音;要我,完全,做自己。 (The sounds, echoing, in my ears; ask me to, be myself, totally.) 我担心明天会不会没有了这个家,一直以来都是她自己一人在幻想, (Worryin' bout, home will collapse, tomorrow. Everything's, just a dream, on her own.) 我以为我妈今天真的开始不一样,但明天她又寄出那些疯狂的想法。 (Think she'd change, starting today. But she's back, the next day, spreading madness.) 那个歌手,现在也对我施法…… (The singer, casting spells upon me…) 耳朵里的声音不可能全是假的吧…… (Impossible, sounds in ears, are all fake…) 我很惊讶转头去望着我的妈…… (I am shock, turning back, to my mom…) 我的妈得意的说,现在你也听见了吧! (But she gloats: Now you heard, ain't it real?) 一个,闪现,必杀技;华丽,转身,回基地。 (Take one, Flash out, Ultimate; Victoria, retreat, back on base.) 耳朵,里面,的声音;要我,完全,做自己。 (The sounds, echoing, in my ears; ask me to, be myself, totally.) CHIU PI ARCHIVES T.ME/CHIUPIART Instagram - CHIUPI.ART 制作:邱比 词曲:邱比 编曲:李可翔 监制|邱比 制片|谢盈方 制片助理|林亚蒨 导演|刘立 摄影|林烨 摄影大助|文国平 灯光|黄维宣 侧拍纪录|谢盈方 #邱比 #CHIUPI
