Thank You 感谢-阿爆




Thank You 由阿爆老搭档布兰地Brandy编排福音和声、阿爆台东家乡金峰乡新兴国小生参与演唱,这上达天庭的感谢之歌安排了排湾族语里,各式各样的赞美语。MV 取景于屏东泰武乡佳平法蒂玛圣母堂,美丽的歌,当须美丽的教堂。 When you say ‘thank you’, you collect smiles; when you say ‘Malji malji masalu’, you collect a Paiwan style laughs. ‘Malji malji masalu’ that is the password to enter a magic world on the life journey means thank you in the Paiwan language. ‘Mother Tongue’ lesson two ’thank you’ is a song taken from Abao’s new album ‘Kinakaian’ that you will not just learn how to say thank you in the Paiwan language but also understand the happiness from peoples’ smiling. To all of my angels, thank you for joining lesson two and welcome to the magic world. .学习母亲的舌头 所说的话. 2016 年阿爆(阿仍仍)与制作人荒井十一合作,推出深受好评的首张个人专辑《vavayan. 女人》,一口气夺得了金曲奖「最佳原住民语专辑奖」与「最佳专辑制作人奖」两项大奖。生命力过盛的阿爆,在 2019 年底发行她的第二张创作专辑《kinakaian 母亲的舌头》;以电音曲风为基底,再次透过排湾族语歌唱台湾岛屿上的故事。 排湾族是太阳的子民,专辑设计与排湾族艺术家磊勒丹・巴瓦瓦隆再次合作,便以无性别的太阳神为主体,佐以黑金线条刻画低调的华丽之美,呼应音乐上兼容并蓄的传统及现代,取之于母语,用之于母语。女性的谈吐呼吸编织出这座岛的美丽风景,在问候与吟唱间,且让我们跟着阿爆一起学习母亲的舌头,母亲的话。
