

《玉门关》以唐朝的一场战役为背景,是一首故事浓度极高的作品。行军、遇袭、迂回伏击、决战、为国捐躯……刀光血影的战争背后,是十人戍边三人还的惨烈。一边是马革裹尸、折戟沉沙,一边是笛声悠悠、春风温柔,却永远吹不到玉门关。 《玉门关》由彩虹合唱团艺术总监金承志于2010年创作。沉淀十年、改版数次,终于发布的《玉门关》在不断打磨中变得更加熠熠生辉。 词曲:金承志 演唱:上海彩虹室内合唱团 指挥:金承志 钢琴:吴经纬 专辑封面插画:朱清之 Based on a war in Tang Dynasty,“The Jade Gate Pass”tries so hard to tell such a story with march, being attacked, ambush, having decisive battles and even sacrifice. Behind a war, there was a horrifying fact that most of warriors sacrificed their lives and they could not return back to their hometown. We may find a cruel image in this song that warriors died on the battlefield and they could not feel the spring breeze and hear the flute sound anymore. “The Jade Gate Pass”was written by the artistic director of RCS, Mr. Jin Chengzhi in 2010. 10 years passing by and the works improved for several times, the newborn “The Jade Gate Pass”attains much more to its perfection. Music and lyrics: Jin Chengzhi Singing: Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Singers Conductor: Jin Chengzhi Accompliment: Wu Jingwei Album designer: Zhu Qingzhi
