老司机 (from Haydn String Quartet 'The Rider')-山泽四重奏




在2017年5月,山泽音乐以全新的剪辑手法完成音乐录影带「老司机(from Haydn String Quartet ‘The Rider’)」的拍摄和制作,该曲为海顿创作于1793年的“骑士”四重奏的节选版,MV与「成人法则」音乐会现场录音精选辑在全球100多个音乐平台上同时发布。 山泽音乐的名字来自于音乐术语“Senza Sordino”,意为“摘掉弱音器”。“拿掉了弱音器,你就可以演奏出更大的音量,从而更大胆地发声。”在山泽音乐看来,古典音乐可以很多元:演出场所不设限,观演人群不设限,现场玩法不设限。“现在很多人看到音乐厅都有点儿‘望而却步’,不敢迈出这个步子。我们知道,如果把这场如此与众不同的音乐会放在需要大家正襟危坐的音乐厅里,害怕被各种礼仪和规矩约束的年轻人是不会来的。”因此,他们希望在更“接地气”的地方举办音乐会,让大家与音乐有更近的距离。 出品人:陈弘达,罗夏秋 导演:洪4T 演奏:山泽四重奏 (大提演奏者为山泽四重奏首任大提琴手张琳) About video <老司机(from Haydn String Quartet ‘The Rider’)>: Senza Quartet was found in March 2017. Homda Chan, the founder, is a famous but non-academic violinist. But the other three members were graduates of Shanghai Music Conservatory. SENZA was from the term ‘Senza Sordino’, which means ‘without the mute’. Take the mute down, so you can perform louder or to say, thinking out loud. In Senza Opinion, when we talk about classical, we don’t need to be stuck in routines such as concert hall, high-class audience or sit square. So they are moving to grounded and youth-welcomed places like galleries, lofts and livehouses. Furthermore, the combination of Senza Quartet can be unconventional, and now they are trying to make a fresh refined fusion between strings and other instruments even though vocal. In the video <老司机(from Haydn String Quartet ‘The Rider’)> they are performing Allegro from Haydn string quartet ‘The Rider’(1793). To celebrate the first anniversary of Senza Quartet, its first global release came on Apr 2018 together with live album <The Adult Code>. Producer: Homda Chan/Christopher Luo Director: Hong4T Performer: Senza Quartet
