

简介:甲雍喇嘛的艺人档案 甲雍 生于1982年。四川甘孜州道孚县玉科草原人。12岁时跟随恩师进行系统的佛学学习。1997年在恩师的亲自带领下前往四川德格佐钦五明佛学院学习佛学文化。 2005年毕业于佐钦五明佛学院。 2006年进入北京民族大学学习。 2009年佛乐专辑《心灵的甘露》《菩提道》 2010年佛乐专辑《觉醒》 2014年佛乐专辑《五路财神》 2017年佛乐专辑《哎玛吙》 2016年认证为四川省甘孜州非物质文化遗产“梵音唱诵”者传承人 2017年获得了美国The Akademia Music Awards 最佳唱诵歌曲奖 Brief Introduction of Jia Yong Jia Yong was born in the Yuke grassland, Daofu County, Ganzi State, Sichuan Province of China in 1982. He followed his respected master and started the systematic learning of the Buddhism from the age of 12 years. Guided by his respecting master, Jia Yong studied Buddhist culture at Zuoqin Five Ming Buddhist College in Dege, Sichuan Province from 1997 to 2005. Jia Yong pursued advanced studies in Beijing University for Nationalities in 2006.   Major works: The Buddhist music album in 2009 :《The Dew of the Mind》、《Lime Road》 The Buddhist music album in 2010 :《Awakening》 The Buddhist music album in 2014 :《The Five Jambhalas》   Jia Yong was identified as the representative successor of Ganzi State, Sichuan Province Intangible Culture Heritage” Sanskrit Chanting” in 2016. 《Heart Sutra》 in his new album, won the Best Chanting Song of the Akademia Music Awards of America in 2017.

