

简介:队如其名,肇嘉帮乐队2016年初组建于上海的肇嘉浜路。是一支根植于上海的跨国乐队,也可能是上海唯一一支同时用中文和法文进行创作和演唱的独立摇滚乐队。乐队由Mavis (主唱),Jerome (贝斯), Yea (吉他) 及Giagia(鼓手)组成,主基调为现代车库摇滚,融合垃圾摇滚、重金属、布鲁斯摇滚等元素。 肇嘉帮一直追求“直指人心”的音乐,他们相信音符像人生一样充满喜怒哀乐和高低起伏。在舞台上乐队表现出令人惊艳的情感能量,黑色而忧伤的氛围中却深植希望的内核。新颖的乐器配置和多元的文化视野让人耳目一新,朗朗上口的riff、平衡动人的作曲和富有诗意的歌词都为乐队赢得赞誉。从组建起足迹遍及上海及周边各大livehouse及户外音乐节。乐队近日与如法炮制工作室合作录制并发行了《如法炮制II》实体合集,目前正在积极录制首张EP。 肇嘉帮乐队为SLOW LIFE RECORDS 厂牌的一员。 Zhaojiabang are a Shanghai based rock band formed in early 2016. The band consists of Mavis (lead vocals), Jerome (bass) , Yea (guitar) and Giagia (drums). The band's sound is rooted in modern garage rock with a twist of grunge, heavy metal & blues rock. Catchy distorted riffs alternate with slower tempos melodies supporting introspective lyrics and effective compositions. Zhaojiabang’s creative instrumental line-up and the blustering energy of its multi-cultural members highly contribute to their on-stage reputation. The band is currently working on its debut EP and playing regular shows in China. Zhaojiabang are a member of SLOW LIFE RECORDS。

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