Matt Costa

Matt Costa

简介: Matt Costa:Matt Costa,在12岁的时候获赠生平第一把吉他;不过很快的,另一项更刺激的活动吸引了他--滑板。虽然比一般滑板选手还晚接触这项运动,但是加倍勤练的Matt Costa迅速展现了过人的天赋和技巧,甚至差一点点就转为职业选手。不过三年前练习时的一场严重意外让Matt Costa摔断了腿,不仅得花18个月治疗和复健,也从此改变了他的命运。在那一段人生中的低潮时光,他重拾吉他投入全副精力练习弹奏和创作,并开始用简单的录音器材灌录自己的唱作。 <br/><br/> Matt Costa有一副天生的好嗓子,清冽明亮,也许是在加州长大的缘故,他的歌声阳光明媚,没有任何阴郁与颓废,即便是“Cold December”这样看起来冷冷的歌,在有如寒风一般的吉他声刮过之后,留在在你耳边的还是暖暖的阳光。 <br/> 这是一张可以从头到尾微笑着听完的专辑,Matt Costa很善于在配器和演唱的细节处营造一些小趣味,象标题歌“Songs We Sing”开头和过场俏皮的口琴,“Sweet Rose”里的小颤音、“Whiskey And Wine”里那声“Oh!”,小小的精致的幽默感恰到好处又不会有卖弄的感觉,让你听着听着不时嘴角就会泛起一丝微笑。 <br/> Matt Costa的作品旋律极为清新明快,整张专辑里隐隐约约闪现着乡村音乐、摇滚乐、爵士乐、古典音乐以及60年代流行乐的味道,充满了信手拈来自成一派的妙趣,专注的嗓音加上娴熟的吉他弹奏,眼前不禁就会浮现出一个青葱少年的形象,后来上网一搜他的照片,还真就是一副校园歌手的模样,可见乐由心声还真是有这么回事。 <br/> “Whiskey And Wine”属于听过一耳就忍不住要翻来覆去听的曲子,老派的爵士曲风在Matt Costa妙手调教下,变得如此灵动妙趣,即兴重复的片段韵味十足;“Oh Dear”、“Desire&apos;s Only Fling”应是向老式英伦摇滚致敬之作,而“Behind The Moon”则是带有踢踏舞曲节拍的怀旧小品;“Sweet Rose”则又是一幅加州乡村风光,轻松、跳跃的甜蜜玫瑰;“Sunshine”,开唱前用来替代架子鼓鼓槌敲击声的“1、2、3”加上那句“sha la la”,越听越象是校园歌手,污浊的唱片工业总算有点清新空气了;压轴的“Wash Away”是专辑里我非常喜爱的一首,诗一般的歌词配上Matt Costa深情的吟唱,Matt Costa的才气真是让人妒忌. <br/>专辑 <br/>2010 9月21日 Mobile Chateau <br/> 2008 Unfamiliar Faces <br/> 2006 Songs We Sing <br/>EP专辑<br/> 2003: Matt Costa EP <br/> 2005: The Elasmosaurus EP <br/>单曲<br/> 2006: &quot;Cold December&quot;<br/> 2006: &quot;Sweet Thursday&quot;<br/> 2006: &quot;Sunshine&quot;<br/> 2008: &quot;Mr. Pitiful&quot;<br/> 2010: &quot;The Season&quot;<br/> Unfamiliar Face:1. Mr. Pitiful<br/>2. Lilacs<br/>3. Never Looking Back<br/>4. Emergency Call<br/> 5. Vienna <br/>6. Unfamiliar Faces<br/>7. Cigarette Eyes<br/>8. Downfall<br/>9. Trying To Lose My Mind<br/>10. Bound<br/>11. Heart Of Stone<br/>12. Miss Magnolia <br/> Songs We Sing:01. Yellow Taxi<br/>02. Astair<br/>03. Oh Dear <br/>04. Cold December<br/>05. Desire&apos;s Only Fling<br/>06. Sweet Rose<br/>07. Songs We Sing<br/>08. Sunshine<br/>09. Whiskey And Wine<br/>10. Shimmering Fields<br/>11. Behind The Moon<br/>12. Wash Away<br/> Mr. Pitiful:oh mr. pit <br/> oh mr. pit <br/> mr. pitiful <br/> who let you down? <br/> who let you down? <br/> who let you down? <br/> you still don&apos;t believe <br/> you don&apos;t believe <br/> you don&apos;t believe <br/> that greed&apos;s for a show <br/> your soap box unfolds <br/> but, please come down from that cloud <br/> you see at all i don&apos;t expect you to admit that you were wrong <br/> just wanna know how you&apos;ve been <br/> don&apos;t make me feel bad that we&apos;re still friends <br/> started it all over in my bed <br/> i hope that you see through your picket <br/> i hope that you see through your big yard and white picket fence <br/> to make amends, to still be friends, to still be my friend <br/> so where did you go? <br/> where did you go? <br/> where did you go? <br/> while i was out <br/> while i was out <br/> while i was out <br/> well i don&apos;t believe <br/> i don&apos;t believe <br/> i don&apos;t believe <br/> everything was seen <br/> and if you don&apos;t like the movie then quit at me <br/> but, please come down from that cloud <br/> you see at all i don&apos;t expect you to admit that you were wrong <br/> just wanna know how you&apos;ve been <br/> don?t make me feel bad that we&apos;re still friends <br/> started it all over in my bed <br/> i hope that you see through your picket <br/> i hope that you see through your big yard and white picket fence <br/> to make amends, still be friends, still be friends, <br/> to still be my friend, still be my friend, still be my friend <br/> Lilac:you were right i was up all night <br/> thinking about you <br/> dreamed i choked on your kaleidoscope <br/> now you still look deadly <br/> my fatal flower how the tigers all laughed <br/> as i ran along the well worn paths <br/> sapphire eye looks down on my lilacs <br/> down on my lilacs, down on my lilacs <br/> down on me, down on me, down on <br/> insincere as we rolled for years <br/> in turning barrels <br/> i washed my hands in the lake <br/> as you blew it all away with roman candles <br/> so take your fever let me wallow alone <br/> the callus on your eyes have grown <br/> sapphire eye looks down on my lilacs <br/> down on my lilacs, down on my lilacs <br/> down on me, down on me, down on <br/> and your faults have me stoned <br/> paying rent to your ghost <br/> torn up by a frightened little girl <br/> i thought that you were right <br/> so i was up all night thinking about you <br/> i thought that you were right, you were right <br/> you were right, you were right <br/> you were right and i was up all night thinking <br/> about you <br/> and i couldn&apos;t speak, covered with bees you flew <br/> above me <br/> figured it all out, i think you&apos;ve had enough time <br/> i&apos;ve had long enough to change my mind <br/> Never Looking Back:burnt trees on a snowy pass <br/> all my friends are far behind <br/> i&apos;m stuck with you tonight <br/> but i&apos;d be better alone <br/> so come on wheels take me far away <br/> where i don&apos;t have debts to pay <br/> i can&apos;t count on yesterday to find the way home <br/> i know it happens all the time <br/> but they don&apos;t have my back <br/> so i&apos;m never looking back <br/> plumes of smoke rise high above <br/> burned bridges lost in luck <br/> i guess it&apos;s lost in luck <br/> i guess it&apos;s all because <br/> they&apos;re found on the fault <br/> on sandy ground <br/> foundations can&apos;t be found <br/> and all the stones of change were thrown in my face <br/> i know it happens all the time <br/> i heard them talk behind my back <br/> so i&apos;m never looking back <br/> never looking back <br/> Emergency Call:暂无 Vienna:vienna can you hear me lazing on the afternoon? <br/> cathedral bells are ringing a sound <br/> winter can&apos;t ignore her <br/> spring&apos;ll bring her back with blossoms <br/> summer bring her back to me now <br/> bring her back to me <br/> shoulder to shoulder, be back in a month i told her <br/> wishing wells i wish her with me <br/> vienna vas machs du <br/> i&apos;m running though the streets of zurich <br/> calling all the trains in europe to bring her to me <br/> anything i got to do now <br/> anything i got to do to be... <br/> back with happy mondays <br/> sleeping in on sundays <br/> just bring her to me bring her to me <br/> Unfamiliar Face:all of your truths masquerade around on hallow&apos;s eve <br/> so i&apos;ll never know what you show to unfamiliar faces <br/> this is the voice that&apos;s scared to hear those names <br/> this is the void we&apos;ll leave a hole in space <br/> i&apos;ll take it kindly if you&apos;d blind me <br/> holding inside the thoughts i have inquisitively wondering <br/> i&apos;ll never know what you show to unfamiliar faces <br/> but this is the voice that&apos;s scared to hear those names <br/> this is the void we&apos;ll leave a hole in space <br/> i&apos;ll never know what you show to unfamiliar faces <br/> unfamiliar faces…… <br/> Cigarette Eye:i&apos;ve heard the story <br/> i&apos;m sure he held you down <br/> forced you to do things while i&apos;m not around <br/> but you lies, you lied <br/> but i&apos;ve got cigarette eyes <br/> feel uneasy i think of you less <br/> my mind is so restless and i&apos;m feeling depressed <br/> oh my, oh my to see you with that spy <br/> you lie, but i know cause i&apos;ve got cigarette eyes <br/> out in the country i&apos;m sure no one could tell <br/> you held a victim under your spell <br/> so go hide, go hide <br/> but i&apos;ve got cigarette eyes <br/> i feel uneasy, i think of you less <br/> my mind is so restless and i&apos;m feeling obsessed <br/> oh my, oh my <br/> to see you with that spy <br/> you lied <br/> but i know cause i&apos;ve got cigarette eyes <br/> so you&apos;ve got yourself a bright young girl <br/> one who lies with you in bed <br/> when she tells you that she likes the weather <br/> don&apos;t believe a word she says no more <br/> Downfall:if i wait long enough, someone might come out <br/> if i tried i could meet somebody else, <br/> so i&apos;ll fol false prophets walking down my street <br/> to keep keep me busy so soundly i&apos;ll sleep, <br/> but it&apos;s all in the downfall of me <br/> all in the downfall <br/> don&apos;t bury my feet so i can run <br/> i&apos;ll be your mother and else, <br/> well i walked your steps and held my breath <br/> until your words reached the end <br/> then i lie with a poets face first in the street <br/> when the world casts each shadow i became a she <br/> but it&apos;s all in the downfall of me <br/> all in the downfall <br/> so i&apos;ll follow false prophets walking down my street <br/> to keep keep me busy so soundly i&apos;ll sleep <br/> so i&apos;ll lie with a poets face-first in these streets <br/> when the world casts it&apos;s shadow i became a she <br/> but it&apos;s all in the downfall <br/> it&apos;s all in the downfall, <br/> it&apos;s all in the downfall of me <br/> all in the downfall <br/> Trying To Lose My Mind:i talk with my friend over the phone, <br/> i&apos;m scared to say things i don&apos;t know and be wrong, <br/> and words always sound much better coming out of someone else <br/> but put it in a song and know that we can get along <br/> i&apos;m trying to lose, lose my mind <br/> when it&apos;s gone i&apos;ll tell you where it went <br/> about the extent of it&apos;s stay <br/> strum a few chords and use my voice <br/> and make this song with the hopes that you&apos;d play along, along <br/> -whistling- <br/> and look at the ones before me <br/> some say i waste my time <br/> but normal life seems so boring, <br/> so trying to lose my mind <br/> well i met a girl, <br/> she didnt like my song <br/> she told me that old songs are better <br/> she played me her favorite records <br/> this is how i repayed her <br/> i said it&apos;s okay to some but i hope that you can sing alone alone <br/> and look at the ones before me <br/> some say i waste my time <br/> but normal life seems so boring so im trying to lose my mind <br/> Bound:behind the mountains where the cuckoo sings <br/> they tried to mine a miner for his golden veins <br/> but a guy gets lonely and a guy gets sick <br/> evil woman you&apos;re bound to make a mess of it <br/> your bound^^ <br/> she laid me down in her golden sheets <br/> lord save me, lord i was knee deep <br/> well a hundred soldiers and a thousand men <br/> couldn&apos;t drag me down but i&apos;m back on my knees again <br/> cause bound londle bound…… <br/> wanna leave, wanna go <br/> that woman is a devil yes i know <br/> but i know more than you think i do <br/> you got a hole in your face where i can see through you <br/> well holy me, you&apos;ve got devils in your sleeves <br/> with the bull in your court you&apos;re bound <br/> to make a mess of me <br/> wanna leave, wanna go <br/> that woman is a devil yes i know <br/> Heart Of Stone:i must confess this blood in my chest <br/> i&apos;ve made a great mistake so cruel <br/> one, two, three there&apos;s an owl on me <br/> i&apos;m searching for the way it used to be <br/> why dont you give yourself to me,i <br/> i&apos;ve got a deal for you <br/> but ph yes i&apos;ve a lot to confess, <br/> drowning far away from home <br/> tied to a heart of stone <br/> darling my days are so bleak <br/> pretending that you&apos;re still alive, <br/> lonely nights, this mariner cries <br/> he&apos;s drowning in desperate tides, because <br/> this solitary mindset has left me cursed in fame <br/> but oh death i woudl give my last breath <br/> drowning far away from home <br/> my sinking heart of stone <br/> oh death can i breathe my last breath <br/> yes yes i&apos;d like to confess <br/> because this solitary mindset has left me cursed with fate <br/> but oh death <br/> can&apos;t breathe my last breath <br/> drowning far away from home <br/> stuck with my heart of stone <br/> Miss Magnolia:well miss magnolia <br/> you just can&apos;t keep, keep me to yourself <br/> you know i&apos;ve been here way to long <br/> you had me working all day long <br/> no i&apos;m not cut out and i won&apos;t be found to make a man for you, <br/> no, no <br/> la na na na <br/> la na na na …… <br/> (continues for a total of 11 times) <br/> well if you see her, make sure you tell, tell her that i&apos;m gone <br/> to find a land beyond where i&apos;ll be free <br/> the riverboat and me <br/> a rolling stone, but by and by i&apos;ll find me home <br/> la na na na <br/> la na na na <br/> (total of 6 times) <br/> i wrote a letter in the mail it said: <br/>&quot;a steed don&apos;t need a mare dearest magnolia&quot;<br/> well put flowers on the grave, and may the headstone read: <br/>&quot;we could get along but we never did belong&quot;<br/> well miss magnolia <br/> you just can&apos;t keep, keep me to yourself <br/> you know i&apos;ve been here way to long <br/> you had me working all day long <br/> no i&apos;m not cut out and i won&apos;t be found to make a man for you <br/> no, no <br/> la na na na…… <br/> Yellow Taxi:暂无 Astair:Astair your glare is killing me <br/> Astair in skies of blue <br/> The signs you wear are making me <br/> So confused <br/> But the mountains and the trees <br/> Are they just what you need <br/> Or are they less than what <br/> You&apos;d expect to see <br/> And if you&apos;re leaving well come <br/> Give me reason why I let you down <br/> Before you turn around now now <br/> Before you turn around <br/> Astair you&apos;re there and I&apos;m still here <br/> I swear I&apos;m so confused <br/> The signs you wear are making me <br/> Feel like I&apos;m the one to lose <br/> But the canyons and the seas <br/> Are they just what you need <br/> Or are they less than what <br/> You&apos;d expect to see <br/> And if you&apos;re leaving well come <br/> Give me reason why I let you down <br/> Before you turn around now, now <br/> Before you turn around <br/> But the mountains and the trees <br/> Are they what you perceive <br/> Or are they less than what <br/> You&apos;d expect to see <br/> And if you&apos;re leaving well come <br/> Give me reason why I let you down <br/> Before you turn around now, now <br/> Before you turn around <br/> Before you turn around <br/> Oh Dear:Early in the morning clouds are dropping on my head <br/> Remind me the things last night I should have left unsaid <br/> So please forgive the words I use, my mind it tends to run <br/> Away with the small ideas, I know I&apos;m not the only one <br/> So dear, oh dear <br/> My head it tends to stray away sometimes I cant see clear <br/> Oh dear, oh dear <br/> In spite of all the things I said, I always want you near <br/> Sometimes it rains, sometimes it pours <br/> Sometimes I&apos;m not that sure <br/> But anytime you look at me <br/> Your thoughts I cant ignore <br/> The second hand would pass us by <br/> Should one of us had blinked <br/> But in a minute realize that true love always waits <br/> My dear, oh dear <br/> My head it tends to stray away, sometimes I cant see clear <br/> Oh dear, oh dear <br/> In spite of all the things I said, I always want you near <br/> Early in the morning clouds are dropping on my head <br/> Remind me the things last night I should have left unsaid <br/> So please forgive the words I use my mind it tends to run <br/> Away with the small ideas I know I&apos;m not the only one <br/> Cold December:I&apos;ve been waiting, pacing along the halls ever since you left here <br/> I&apos;ve been cleaning, scrubbing the plates and weeding out the garden dear <br/> I can&apos;t fall asleep to your mystery slowly blowing from the shore <br/> I have not failed to be what you&apos;d expect of me <br/> Swallowing glass just to stay pure <br/> All the birds are heading down south but you&apos;re staying up north you say <br/> I&apos;ve got jackets blankets and sheets, its going to be a cold december <br/> It could be warm you see, a statue next to me <br/> Swimming away from the ice and snow <br/> Could I have failed to see the signs in front of me <br/> Warning and flashing symbols, subtle and simple I couldn&apos;t see <br/> I couldnt see <br/> If only time could slow down, maybe I could come up <br/> It&apos;s such a cold december <br/> It&apos;s such a cold december <br/> Its so cold <br/> I cant fall asleep to your mystery slowly blowing from the shore <br/> I have not failed to be what you&apos;d expect of me <br/> Swallowing glass just to stay pure <br/> Summers come and summer has gone <br/> Your christmas cards cant comfort me <br/> You&apos;ve found new friends and tied all the ends <br/> It&apos;s freezing in the loneliest winter <br/> It could be warm you see, a statue next to me <br/> Swimming away from the ice and snow <br/> Could I have failed to see the signs in front of me <br/> Warning and flashing symbols, subtle and simple I couldnt see <br/> I couldnt see <br/> If only time could slow down, then maybe I could come up <br/> It&apos;s such a cold december <br/> It&apos;s such a cold december <br/> It&apos;s so cold <br/> Desire&amp;apos;s Only Fling:暂无 Sweet Rose:My sweet rose <br/> AS the two of us grow <br/> I want you to know that nothing&apos;s quite as bad <br/> As it seems when you&apos;re so sad <br/> So remember my rose, remember my rose <br/> My sweet rose <br/> I&apos;d like to say <br/> I&apos;d like to say no one always gets their way <br/> And no one always thinks the same <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> When the seasons change <br/> And the sky turns grey <br/> When the leaves turn brown <br/> I&apos;ll be around <br/> My sweet rose <br/> As the two of us change <br/> I want you to know that nothing stays the same <br/> But you and I, we will remain <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> When the seasons change <br/> And the sky turns grey <br/> When the leaves turn brown <br/> I&apos;ll be around <br/> I want you to know that nothing stays the same <br/> But you and I, we will remain <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> My sweet rose <br/> I`ll want to be <br/> I`ll want to be the one to hold U time <br/> Have faith with me <br/> i`ll be your mind <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> When the seasons change <br/> And the sky turns grey <br/> When the leaves turn brown <br/> I&apos;ll be around <br/> I want you to know that nothing stays the same <br/> But you and I, we will remain <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> I want you to know that nothing stays the same <br/> But you and I, we will remain <br/> My rose, remember my rose <br/> Songs We Sing:We have got no dough at all <br/> Got a jar full of pennies <br/> That dont amount to any <br/> Thing thing thing <br/> These are the melodies <br/> With simple harmonies we sing <br/> We sing of the hardship life brings <br/> It brings it brings it brings it brings <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> To make the day better <br/> And we have got no home at all <br/> Travel like the gypsies living off of any <br/> Thing thing thing <br/> These are the melodies <br/> With simple harmonies we sing <br/> We sing of the hardship life brings <br/> It brings it brings it brings it brings <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> To make the day better <br/> We sing we sing we sing we sing <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that we sing <br/> We sing <br/> These are the songs that I sing <br/> To make the day better <br/> Sunshine:Sunshine <br/> I&apos;d really like to tell you <br/> Oh my sunshine <br/> Even though your skies are blue <br/> You&apos;re drying up my bed <br/> How can I get any rest now? <br/> Sha la la la la la la la <br/> Someday <br/> You will get the best of me <br/> Oh someday <br/> Probably when I&apos;m old and grey <br/> I&apos;m lying in my bed <br/> And I will soon be put to rest now <br/> Sha la la la la la la la <br/> Sunshine <br/> I&apos;d really like to tell you <br/> Oh my sunshine <br/> Even though your skies are blue <br/> You&apos;re drying up my bed <br/> How can I get any rest now? <br/> Sha la la la la la la la <br/> Someday <br/> You will get the best of me <br/> Oh someday <br/> Probably when I&apos;m old and grey <br/> I&apos;m lying in my bed <br/> And I will soon be put to rest now <br/> I&apos;m lying in my bed <br/> And I will soon be put to rest now (Ooh ooh) [x2] <br/> Sha la la la la la la la <br/> Whiskey And Wine:Bottles of reasons I kept in the freezer <br/> Now they wont leave me, why won&apos;t they leave me alone? <br/> And with these old reasons are bottled up feelings <br/> I wont be leaving no, won&apos;t be leaving alone <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> To pour myself some more <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> I&apos;m always back for more <br/> Oh whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve messed up my mind <br/> Whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve got me this time <br/> Bottles of reasons have now reached the ceiling <br/> It&apos;s hard to hide it, I&apos;ll hide behind it for now <br/> My big mouth said too much, I&apos;m shaking at your touch <br/> All the bottles came crashing down to the floor <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> It couldn&apos;t be so bad <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> That&apos;s driving me so mad <br/> Oh whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve messed up my mind <br/> Whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve got me this time <br/> Bottles of reasons I&apos;ve kept in the freezer <br/> Now they won&apos;t leave me, why won&apos;t they leave me alone? <br/> And with these old reasons are bottled up feelings <br/> I won&apos;t be leaving, so won&apos;t you leave me alone <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> To pour myself some more <br/> What is in it? What is in it? <br/> I&apos;m always back for more <br/> Oh whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve messed up my mind <br/> Whiskey and wine <br/> You&apos;ve got me this time <br/> I used to be fine &apos;till whiskey arrived <br/> Now whiskey and wine stays on my mind <br/> Shimmering Field:Flowers are nice, flowers are pretty <br/> So I took a ride away from the city <br/> Stories I&apos;d heard of mystery and magic <br/> Traveling caravans left me enchanted <br/> With rivers of sun glow just beyond the plateau <br/> I followed them down to the well <br/> There are your wishes there are your dreams <br/> In shimmering fields of gold <br/> A mystical mistress in the forest of night <br/> Knew that I&apos;d come from city lights <br/> Shimmering fields but of course my dear <br/> Shimmering fields of gold <br/> Many have followed the footsteps you&apos;re on <br/> Good to know I&apos;m not alone <br/> la da da da da da <br/> la da da da da da <br/> Shimmering straight ahead I see <br/> Shimmering fields of gold <br/> All you could wish for and all you could dream <br/> Shimmering fields of gold <br/> Behind The Moon:I would shine just like a million suns if you&apos;d just love me baby <br/> I&apos;ll be in your life again so baby, baby just say maybe <br/> Now here I come <br/> To dance around the sun <br/> I&apos;ve been oh so blue <br/> Stuck behind the moon <br/> Now let me in <br/> Back where we begin <br/> And let me hold you like the way <br/> I used to do <br/> All the stars point me to you and lately they just drive me crazy <br/> A universe can be so cruel so baby, baby be my lady <br/> Now here I come <br/> To dance around the sun <br/> I&apos;ve been oh so blue <br/> Stuck behind the moon <br/> Now let me in <br/> Back where we begin <br/> And let me hold you like the way <br/> I used to do <br/> I would shine just like a million suns if you&apos;d just love me baby <br/> I&apos;ll be in your life again so baby, baby just say maybe <br/> Now here I come <br/> To dance around the sun <br/> I&apos;ve been oh so blue <br/> Stuck behind the moon <br/> Now let me in <br/> Back where we begin <br/> And let me hold you like the way <br/> Now let me hold you like the way... <br/> Now let me hold you like the way... <br/> Now let me hold you like the way... <br/> I used to do <br/> I used to do <br/> I used to do <br/> I used to do <br/> Wash Away:Float down stream, rivers of dreams <br/> Float down stream, catch your wings <br/> Heavens high, so you fly <br/> Catch your dreams in the sky <br/> But the glaciers have frozen your feet <br/> I can&apos;t wait for eternity <br/> And so you watched me wash away <br/> But maybe we&apos;ll catch up someday <br/> Maybe well catch up someday <br/> Sun sinks out of view <br/> Stars they shine changing hue <br/> But bright lights have blinded your sights <br/> They cant adjust when day turns to night <br/> And so you watched me wash away <br/> But maybe well catch up someday <br/> The castles we built were so tall <br/> They only left us further to fall <br/> And still I see them far away <br/> But maybe we&apos;ll come back someday <br/> Maybe we&apos;ll come back someday <br/> Float down stream, rivers of dreams <br/> Float down stream, catch your wings <br/> The castles we built were so tall <br/> They only left us further to fall <br/> And still I see them far away <br/> Maybe well come back someday <br/> The castles we built were so tall <br/> They only left us further to fall <br/> And still I see them far away <br/> As I watch them wash away <br/> Wash away... <br/> Wash away... <br/> Wash away... <br/> 心中的Matt Costa:Matt Costa有一副天生的好嗓子, <br/> 清冽明亮,他的歌声阳光明媚, <br/> 没有任何阴郁与颓废,即便是看起来冷冷的歌, <br/> 在有如寒风一般的吉他声刮过之后, <br/> 留在在你耳边的还是暖暖的阳光。 <br/> Matt Costa很善于在配器和演唱的细节处营造一些小趣味, <br/> 小小的精致的幽默感让你在燥热的夏天听着也会泛起一丝微笑。 <br/>



