Archangelo Corelli

Archangelo Corelli

中文名:Arcangelo Corelli 别名:阿尔坎杰罗·科雷利 国籍:意大利 生日:1653-02-17 职业:作曲家 简介:阿尔坎格罗·科莱里(Arcangelo Corelli,1653-1713) 意大利作曲家、小提琴家。学于波伦亚和罗马,曾在罗马的剧院乐队和教堂乐队中拉小提琴,同时在当地一些音乐保护人所办的乐团中任乐长。其小提琴演奏及教学,对意大利小提琴学派的形成,起了重要的推进作用。作有三声部奏鸣曲四套、小提琴奏鸣曲的最后一首《佛利亚》,以葡萄牙、西班牙的舞蹈歌曲为主题予以变奏;大协奏曲的第八首《田园曲》,音乐语言亦质朴、明朗而富于意大利民间风味。 从艺历程:Although it is unclear quite when Corelli arrived in Rome, he was certainly active there by 1675, when "Arcangelo Bolognese" (as he was referred to) was engaged to play as one of the supporting violinists in lenten oratorios at the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, as well as in the French national celebrations held each year on 25 August at San Luigi dei Francesi and during the ordination of a member of the powerful Chigi family at Santi Domenico e Sisto. In August 1676, he was already playing second violin to the renowned Carlo Mannelli at San Luigi dei Francesi. Although Rome did not have any permanent orchestra providing stable employment for instrumentalists, Corelli rapidly made a name for himself, playing in a variety of ensembles sponsored by wealthy patrons, such as Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili for whom he played in Lenten oratorios at San Marcello from 1676 to 1679. In 1687 Corelli led the festival performances of music for Queen Christina of Sweden. He was also a favorite of Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, grandnephew of another Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, who in 1689 became Pope Alexander VIII. From 1689 to 1690 he was in Modena. The Duke of Modena was generous to him. In 1708 he returned to Rome, living in the palace of Cardinal Ottoboni. His visit to Naples, at the invitation of the king, took place in the same year. The style of execution introduced by Corelli and preserved by his pupils, such as Francesco Geminiani, Pietro Locatelli, Pietro Castrucci, Francesco Gasparini, and others, was of vital importance for the development of violin playing. It has been said that the paths of all of the famous violinist-composers of 18th-century Italy led to Arcangelo Corelli, who was their "iconic point of reference".

