

简介:双人乐队 DollsHead 由 Sierra Swan 和 Graham Edwards 组成,《Frozen Charlotte》是该乐队的首张专辑,发行时主唱手 Swan 年仅 19 岁,除了为乐队贡献了冷艳的歌声之外,她还以任性放肆又冷眼洞悉世俗的个性,为专辑里大多数歌曲创作了歌词。    专辑中的大多数作品建立在电气色彩很浓的 Breakbeat 上,同时折衷了 Trip Hop、Rock 等多种音乐元素,而 Swan 的歌声在疏懒中往往不失时机地爆发……这多少有点 Garbage 乐队的影子,适中的颓废,让人坦然的陶醉其中。  The electronic pop duo DollsHead is comprised of California-born vocalist Sierra Swan and Scottish bassist Graham Edwards, who in 1997 began collaborating in the wake of an impromptu jam session at a Los Angeles studio. Drawing on a variety of sounds ranging from alternative rock to electronica, DollsHead bowed later that year with the track "It's Over, It's Under," which appeared on the soundtrack to the film The Jackal. Their full-length debut LP, Frozen Charlotte, followed in 1998, but the group nevertheless disbanded before the turn of the century. Sierra Swan continued onward as a solo artist and released Ladyland in 2006, while Edwards pursued behind-the-scenes work as part of the Matrix, one of the most popular production/songwriting teams in contemporary pop.



